Attribute field names must be kept under 10 characters in length to avoid truncating the field name during conversion operations. For example, a shape file with the field name CARTOGRAPHIC will be truncated to CARTOGRAPH if the shape file id converted to ArcInfo. File names should be kept under 8 characters in length to conform to the "eight and three" standard.
These fields are required to be in a feature attribute table directly associated with the corresponding digital parcel file. For example, if the digital parcel file is a shapefile, then these items must be in the Dbase file (.DBF)
A unique, statewide identifier for each parcel. The township geocode constitutes the first five numbers of the identifier followed by a unique, sequential number generated by software for each parcel in the township. (numeric field)
A municipal designation field which carries the map, block and lot assigned to each parcel by the municipal assessor. This field is the link to the municipal databases. It may not be possible to make this link between the assessor's database and the digital parcel map for every parcel or property record " a one to one relationship. This standard requires only an initial effort to make the linkage as complete as possible. (character field)
The map_bk_lot listing in the assessor's database where information about a parcel may be found. Some Maine towns organize their tax assessing database so that only one bill is sent to each property owner. If the property owner holds several lots only one listing in the assessor's database will be made to serve for all of them. In these cases one map-block-lot designation will be assigned to the combined listing. For the remaining lots, the parent field contains a pointer to the appropriate map-block-plot listing. (See Appendix B)
The physical address of the property, if applicable. (character field)
4.2 Required Related Database Fields
Some of the following items are reprinted, courtesy of MassGIS, from MassGIS Standard for Digital Parcel Files and Related Data Sets, Version 1.0, July 2001,The Massachusetts Office of Geographic and Environmental Information, 251 Causeway St, Boston, MA, 02114
These fields are required to be in a related database table, which can be linked to the corresponding feature attribute table. The table should be of a standard type such as DbaseIV or comma-delimited ASCII.
A municipal designation field which carries the map, block and lot assigned to each parcel by the municipal assessor. This field is the link to the feature attribute table.
Due to privacy and security concerns, the municipal officers of each municipality shall, pursuant to a public hearing, vote as to which if any of the following 6 fields are to be populated for use in the state Geolibrary.
Name of first owner of record (character field)
Owner's address (character field)
Owner's city or town. (character field)
Owner's state if not Maine (character field)
Owner's zip code, plus four if available. (character field)
Owner's country if not U.S.A. (character field)
The current total assessed value for land (numeric field)
The current total assessed value for building(s) (numeric field)
Date of assessed value (date field)
The assessed area (numeric field, allowing for up to two decimal places)
The area units (character field; valid values are "S" for square feet and "A" for acres)
Last sale date (date field)
Last sale price (numeric field)
State land use code (numeric field)
Last sale Registry of Deeds book (character field)
Last sale Registry of Deeds page (character field)
Number of living/dwelling units, apartments and condominiums, if available (numeric field)
Building area (square feet) for commercial/industrial properties as defined by the state use codes.( numeric field)
A field to explain polygons in the file that are not legal interests (character field; valid values are RAIL ROW = railroad right-of-way, TRAFFIC ISLE = traffic islands in street right-of-way, WATER = ponds/rivers, ISLE = island in pond or river, and OTHER
The date a lot was created by split or subdivision (numeric field)
Boundary feature source (character field; valid values are DEED, SUBDIVISION, ROAD PLAN, SURVEY, OTHER).
Identifying information for plan (example: subdivision or road plan) used to update the digital file (character field).
The date of update to the property boundary. Should include the year and month of the update (character field).
Total residential living area in square feet. This is a useful attribute when evaluating development proposals relative to surrounding residences, but a difficult one to create because it requires adding areas from multiple fields in the assessor's database (numeric field).
Total building area for commercial/industrial properties in square feet. This is a very useful attribute for evaluating proposed and existing development, but it is difficult to create because it requires adding areas from multiple fields in the assessor's database (numeric field).
Feature Level Metadata (See Appendix C for an explanation of feature level metadata)
FMSRC source
FMSRCORG source originator
FMPROCSS process
FMUPDORG organization of edit
FMUPDAT date of edit
Required Fields - Feature Attribute Table | ||||
Field Name | Type | Size | Decimal Places | Notes |
STATE_ID | N | 10 | ||
MAP_BK_LOT | C | 24 | ||
PARENT | C | 24 | ||
PROP_LOC | C | 50 |
Required Fields - Related Database | ||||
Field Name | Type | Size | Decimal Places | Notes |
MAP_BK_LOT | C | 24 | link to feature attribute table | |
OWNER | C | 50 | ||
OWN_ADDR | C | 50 | ||
OWN_CITY | C | 24 | ||
OWN_STATE | C | 2 | standard USPS abbreviations | |
OWN_ZIP | C | 10 | ||
OWN_CNTRY | C | 24 | ||
LAND_VAL | N | 9 | ||
BLDG_VAL | N | 9 | ||
FY | D | 8 | YYYYMMDD | |
LOT_SIZE | N | 6 | 2 | |
LOT_UNITS | C | 1 | must enter S for sq ft or A for acres | |
LS_DATE | D | 8 | YYYYMMDD | |
LS_PRICE | N | 9 | ||
LAND_USE | N | 6 | ||
LS_BOOK | C | 6 | ||
LS_PAGE | C | 4 | ||
LIV_UNITS | N | 4 | ||
BLDG_SIZE | N | 6 | in square feet | |
POLY_TYPE | C | 18 | RAIL ROW = railroad right-of-way, TRAFFIC ISLE = traffic islands in street right-of-way, WATER = ponds/rivers, ISLE = island in pond or river, and OTHER |
Recommended Fields - Related Database | ||||
Field Name | Type | Size | Decimal Places | Notes |
SOURCE | C | 10 | ||
PLAN_ID | C | 24 | ||
RES_AREA | N | 6 | in square feet | |
CI_AREA | N | 6 | in square feet | |
Recommended Feature Level Metadata Fields- Related Database | ||||
FMSRC | C | 12 | ||
FMSRCORG | C | 12 | ||
FMPROCSS | C | 12 | ||
FMUPDORG | C | 12 | ||
FMUPDAT | D | 8 |
18-127 C.M.R. ch. 158, § 4