Generally, for an over 200 PCE Application, the Study Area as defined by the above criteria would be limited to a radius of 2 miles from the Development Site unless the Department, at the Scoping Meeting, determines that the proposed Development will impair the safe and efficient flow of Traffic beyond a two mile radius due to the Development's scale, location, or nature.
The Application should provide an inventory and analysis of Traffic crashes occurring in the Vicinity of the proposed Development during the most recent 3-year period to identify high crash locations and their associated Critical Rate Factors or excess crash costs. The inventory must include:
The Department may consider an Application only when an Applicant has demonstrated Title, Right, or Interest in all of the property being proposed for development or use, including Development entrances and exits. The Development's entrances/exits cannot be constructed in an area where MaineDOT has Control of Access rights. The following documentation of Title, Right, or Interest, as applicable must be submitted with the Application and shall be reviewed for adequacy by the Department.
The Application must identify the location and width of proposed streets, easements, and other public or private rights of way in the Development. No entrance, approach, or other improvement constructed as a requirement of the TMP shall be relocated or have its dimensions altered without the written permission of the MaineDOT's Bureau of Project Development. The Applicant shall not install structures or pavement in the State's highway right of way that are not related to the installation of the entrance or exit.
The applicant must provide an estimated completion schedule for the Development Project. If construction of the proposed Development will place in phases, the estimated completion schedule should be proved in phases.
A Traffic Study of roads in the Study Area of the proposed Development must be completed for those Applications for projects generating 200 or more passenger car equivalent Trips or if a Traffic Study was requested by the Department at the Scoping Meeting. This Traffic Study (the "Section 7 Traffic Study") is expected to include the following information along with updated information for Sections 1 through 6 above if warranted.
Documentation, including all new Traffic counts and analysis worksheets, as to how the various volumes were derived must accompany the diagrams. Computer techniques and the associated printouts can be used as part of the report.
Projected Traffic volumes should be calculated using a methodology approved by the MaineDOT detailed in the MaineDOT Traffic Analysis Guidelines.
The Department recognizes that the Level of Service of some roads and intersections cannot be accurately determined using only the standard Capacity Analysis method. In such cases, the appropriate analytical technique will be determined in consultation with the Department. The Department will have final say in deciding which appropriate analytical technique should be applied.
In reviewing the Capacity Analysis in the Traffic Study, the Department will consider the following:
Applicants should note that the signal warrants in the MUTCD are not the sole criteria used to determine the need for new traffic signals. Although an intersection may meet the MUTCD warrants, the Department may determine that a signal is not appropriate.
The Section 7 Traffic Study should include an assessment of the mode split assumptions as well as the Applicant's plan to maximize travel choice, promote non-SOV (Single Occupancy Vehicle) modes, and achieve the assumed mode shares.
If a facility within the Applicant's Study Area has an access or accommodation deficiency in the mode under review (bicycle, pedestrian, transit), the Section 7 Traffic Study must assess options to facilitate safe, convenient, and functional access via these modes as follows:
When required, the Section 7 Traffic Study should [or must, if you prefer] use Multi Modal Level Of Service (MMLOS) Applications in analyzing signalized/unsignalized intersections, urban arterials facilities, and roadway segments for informational purposes to aid MaineDOT and the Applicant in understanding relative impacts to the modes assessed. When required, MMLOS shall be used in conjunction with the MaineDOT Traffic Analysis Guidelines.
For locations where there are physical constraints on the ability to accommodate multi-modal needs due to existing build-out in urban contexts, the TMP Applicant can apply for an Exception to provide mitigation and/or pay a fee in lieu of mitigation. Exceptions shall not be made to avoid ADA compliance.
For locations where Multi-Modal Trips are highly unlikely due to the lack of transit routes or origins for bike and/or pedestrian Trips, the TMP Applicant can apply for an exception to provide mitigation.
C.M.R. 17, 229, ch. 305, pt. 6