Wages and Salaries before Deductions
Net Non-farmSelf-Employment
Net FarmSelf-Employment
Regular Payments from Social Security
Railroad Retirement
Strike Benefits from Unions
Training Stipends (but not CSSP training stipends)
Wages Subsidized by OJT Contracts
Military Family Allotments/Other Regular Support
Pensions -Private
Government/Military Retirement
Regular Insurance/Annuity Payments
Net Rental Income/Net Royalties
Periodic Receipts from Estates or Trusts
Net Gambling or Lottery Winnings
Vocational Rehabilitation Payments
Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Unemployment Compensation
Child Support
Payments AmeriCorps
Living Allowances
Social Security Old Age Survivors Insurance (OASI) & Survivor's Benefit
TANF* Refugee Assistance* General Assistance
Capital Gains
Foster Care Child Payments
Assets Withdrawn from a Bank
Sale of Property/House/Car
Tax Refunds
Earned Income Tax Credit
Field Placements
Lump-Sum Inheritances
One-time Insurance Payments
Student Loans
One-time Compensation Payments for Injuries
Non-Cash Benefits, including, but not limited to:
Employer Paid Fringe Benefits
Food/Housing Received in Lieu of Wages
Food Stamps*
School Meals
Housing Assistance
Supplemental Security Income
TAA/TRA Payments
All federal and state need-based financial aid resources granted through the financial aid award process
Income of dependent children
Income earned while the veteran was on active military duty and certain other veterans' benefits, i.e., compensation for service-connected disability, compensation for service connected death, vocational rehabilitation, and education assistance.
Any income that the household no longer receives.
* Households receiving TANF, Food Stamps or Refugee Assistance are categorically deemed to meet the financial eligibility criteria of CSSP
12- 597 C.M.R. ch. 2, § 2