Supportive services shall be provided when necessary to participate in training provided that the training participant would be eligible for such service under another public training program if funds were available to provide those services to the training participant. All participants shall be given written notice of the availability of these services, shall have the opportunity to make written application for them upon request, and shall receive a written notice as to the disposition of that application. Upon application, a participant will be provided with a form to be used for documenting his/her program eligibility through another public program and the unavailability of these services due to fiscal constraints under such program. Available services include:
Funds for supportive services necessary to participate in training are limited to the duration of the training period, except that costs for services in (2) & (3) above are limited to 90 days for trainees who are receiving wages through the employer or GTI subsidized wages.
12- 168 C.M.R. ch. 3, § 6