These rules are promulgated pursuant to 22 M.R.S.A. §342, which authorizes the Department to adopt rules, regulations, standards, criteria, plans or procedures that may be necessary to carry out the provisions of Maine's Certificate of Need (CON) Program. These rules apply to projects involving nursing facilities, including but not limited to creation of new nursing facility services, replacement facilities, building modifications, financing, capital expenditures, changes in ownership and control, and creation of new health services by nursing facilities, as will be described more fully below. All other projects requiring CON are referred to, or may be acted upon jointly with, the Bureau of Medical Services. The purpose of the CON program is to determine whether projects falling within the scope of CON meet the statutory criteria for which a CON may be granted.
The purpose of CON is to:
The following words and phrases will have the following meanings:
A CON is not required for a health care facility that extends a current service within the defined primary service area of the health care facility by purchasing within a 12-month time period new equipment costing in the aggregate less than $1,200,000.
* all operating costs related to the project for the period of time preceding the Department's decision to grant a CON; and
* the portion of total capital costs (including depreciation, amortization, interest, and return on owner's equity) related to the project, which is represented by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of the total capital expenditure obligated prior to the Department's decision to grant a CON and the denominator of which is the total capital expenditure related to the project, for all accounting periods before and after the Department's decision.
The Department shall make an electronic or stenographic record of the public informational meeting.
10-149 C.M.R. ch. 5, § 71