A monthly payment which may continue to the eligible family until the child attains the age of eighteen (or, until the child is age 21 where the state determines the child has need for educational benefits or has a physical, mental or emotional handicap which warrants the continuation of adoption assistance).
A one-time, not recurring payment to meet a special need of the child. Examples of not recurring items are payment for an operation necessitated by a medical condition of the child, payment of legal fees for adoption, and payment for special orthopedic devices for a child.
One time expenses, not to exceed $2,000 per child, incurred by a family in the process of adopting an eligible special needs child (such as home study and legal fees, visitation and transportation expenses, fees for medical examinations required in the home study process, etc.)
Use of a Medicaid card to cover the child's medical, dental, psychological and other expenses allowable under Maine's Medicaid program, in accordance with Medicaid's law, rules, regulations and Policy, usually provided to the age of 18.
10-148 C.M.R. ch. 13, § 4