Providers of treatment services must:
Treatment services covered under the EPSDT Program consist of all medically necessary services listed in §1905(a) of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. §1396(a) and (r) ) that are needed to correct or ameliorate defects and physical or mental conditions detected through the EPSDT screening process. The program covers only those treatment services that are not specifically included under any other MaineCare regulation, because:
To receive payment for services under the EPSDT program, the member or provider must:
Treatment Services must:
The MaineCare provider who is prescribing the treatment service must request and receive prior authorization from the Authorization Unit of MaineCare Services or the Departments' Authorized Agent before the service is referred and/or provided.
To obtain prior authorization, the prescribing provider must complete the appropriate prior authorization request form available from the MaineCare Authorization Unit or on the Department's website at:
To obtain prior authorization for durable medical equipment (DME), the request must be submitted on the MA-56R form. Any request for DME that is denied under Chapter II, Section 60, Medical Supplies and Durable Medical Equipment will be considered and reviewed under EPSDT criteria.
In addition, the MaineCare Authorization Unit may request the following additional information:
The prescribing provider must review and revise the plan at least annually. If a change in the child's health status requires a plan modification, the prescribing provider must revise and sign the plan within one week of the health status change.
The MaineCare Authorization Unit will notify providers of its decision regarding the request for prior authorization in accordance with Chapter I, Administrative Policies and Procedures, of the MaineCare Benefits Manual.
In an emergency where the member's condition does not allow time for the prescribing provider to submit a written request, he/she may phone or fax the MaineCare Authorization Unit requesting prior authorization of the service.
In an emergency where the prescribing provider is unable to contact the MaineCare Authorization Unit (e.g. evenings, weekends, holidays, mandatory shut-down days) and has documented the reasons why contact could not be made, MaineCare after receipt and review of such stated documentation may at the discretion of the Department authorize services retroactively to the start of the medical emergency. The prescribing provider must contact the MaineCare Authorization Unit the next business day. In these cases, the prescribing provider must submit all necessary written documentation within seven (7) business days of the phone or fax contact.
C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. II, 144-101-II-94, subsec. 144-101-II-94.05