NOTE: A site assessment and site assessment report are required as part of facility or tank closure for heavy oil tanks but not for #2, kerosene and other heating oils when stored and consumed on the same premises. Only heating oils heated during storage meet the definition of heavy oil in this Chapter.
NOTE: Maine law (see 38 M.R.S. §563-A ) requires closure of nonconforming tanks in accordance with this Chapter no later than October 1, 1998.
Commissioner approval for a facility to remain temporarily out of service for more than 12 months must be in writing and is conditional upon continued compliance by the facility with the requirements of paragraph (1) above.
NOTE: The above requirement applies to gasoline facilities and possibly other liquid petroleum products such as aviation fuel. Fire prevention requirements of this Chapter may also be enforced by State and local fire officials.
Tank Has Contained Leaded Gasoline or Flammable Liquid
(use applicable designation)
Not Gas-Free
Not Suitable for Food or Drinking Water
NOTE: Siting of new underground oil storage facilities in wellhead protection zones is regulated under 38 M.R.S., §§1391 - 1400. and the Department's Rules for Siting Oil Storage Facilities, 06-096 C.M.R. ch. 692. Pursuant to 38 M.R.S. §1393(2)(B) and 06-096 C.M.R. ch. 692, § 3(A)(2) and 4(A)(2), if intending to replace a tank or facility being abandoned in a wellhead protection zone, the facility owner must within 30 days of removal of the existing facility, notify the commissioner and the municipal code enforcement officer in writing of their intent to replace the facility. Construction of the replacement of the facility must commence within 2 years after the date of removal. A wellhead protection zone includes areas within 300 feet of a private well. In the case of public wells, the wellhead protection zone is the area within 1,000 feet of a public well, or on the source water protection area mapped by the Maine Drinking Water Program in the Department of Health and Human Services, whichever is greater. Without taking the above steps, siting restrictions on the installation of oil storage facilities in wellhead protection areas will apply.
06- 096 C.M.R. ch. 691, § 11