Should unusual circumstances make it impossible to provide 12-hour notice, the terminal operator shall notify the Commissioner as soon as possible. Notification is not required for bunkering.
The information described in subparagraphs (i-iv) above need not be marked on the hose if it is recorded elsewhere in the hose records at the facility and the hose is marked to identify it with the location of that information. The logbook or records must be available for inspection on demand by a representative of the Commissioner.
All investigations for potential loss of material in excess of 0.5% must be kept on file for review by the Department.
Repair of leaking rivets may be made using the best acceptable industry practices in use at that time. Thermal expansion and contraction of the shell, rivet and hole must be accounted for in determining the proper repair procedure.
Financial instruments must also be updated when estimated costs for closure and remediation of the facility change, at license renewal, or prior to expiration dates or non-renewal of the financial instruments, and in the case of guarantee on an annual basis.
The Commissioner may require a change in the amount of financial assurance required if after a review of a preliminary closure plan and engineering assessment of probable closure and remediation costs the review indicates a change in the requirement would be appropriate.
Note: For purposes of demonstrating adequate funding in a financial assurance mechanism to fully complete closure, the preliminary closure plan and associated cost estimate is intended to be a conservative view of what actions will be necessary to complete closure. The assumptions used in arriving at the cost estimate associated with the preliminary closure plan may vary from the actual site conditions at the time of the final implementable closure plan. A preliminary closure plan is a future looking plan. The closure plan in Section (12)(D) of this Chapter is a plan that would be implemented at closure with consideration of actual site conditions at the time of closure.
The engineering assessment may not consider the salvage value for scrap metal, used equipment, additives or other wastes including waste oils. The engineering assessment must include costs for the required work to be performed by a third party.
Note: Consult Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities, 40 C.F.R. § 264.142, Cost Estimate for Closure for assistance in conducting a cost estimate. Other documents that provide helpful information are RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Call Center Training Module (Introduction to RCRA Financial Assurance), Items to Submit for RCRA Closure Cost Estimate, and Transmittal of Interim Guidance on Facilities Subject to RCRA Corrective Action. Each of these documents includes information on cost estimating, the types of financial instruments and other general financial guidance.
06-096 C.M.R. ch. 600, § 9