B.Without using flow records. Estimates of seasonal aquatic base flow may be calculated using the most appropriate of the following publications, or by use of a regional flow study to establish seasonal median flows for rivers and streams within a region. An adequate regional flow study should be based on a minimum of 20 stations where at least 10 independent base flow measurements have been made for each site. Where conditions, such as watershed area, fall outside of the conditions by which these estimates were calculated, estimates of seasonal aquatic base flow are considered as interim estimates and may be refined as new site-specific data is obtained. "Estimating Monthly, Annual, and Low 7-Day, 10-Year Streamflows for Ungaged Rivers in Maine", USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5026
"August Median Streamflow on Ungaged Streams in Eastern Aroostook County, Maine" USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 2003-4225
"August Median Streamflow on Ungaged Streams in Eastern Coastal Maine", USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5157