The classification of a particular well is determined by the department based upon the following categories and discharge characteristics. The applicable regulatory category and rule section for each well type is indicated in parentheses.
(Note: Prohibited, see § 3C)
(Note: Prohibited, see § 3C)
(Note: Prohibited, see § 3C)
NOTE: Solution mining of conventional mines, such as stopes leaching, is included in Class V. See Section 2(E)(9)(b). Stopes leaching is not considered in-situ leaching, but is considered mining for the purposes of 06-096 Chapter 200.
NOTE: Subsurface disposal of drinking water filter backwash containing radionuclides below concentrations determined to be radioactive waste is included in Class V. See Sections 2(E)(2)(d) and 2(E)(11)(c).
NOTE: For information on residuals and processing facilities, see 06-096 CMR 400, 409, 419 and 420. In general, Type IC residuals come from a known source that does not contain hazardous substances and have a carbon to nitrogen ratio of 15:1 or less. Type IC residuals include mussels, shrimp, fish, crab, and lobster wastes; poultry carcasses; and hen manure. Type II residuals come from a known source that does not contain hazardous substances but may contain human pathogens. Type II residuals include sewage sludge, dewatered septage and disposable diapers. Type III residuals may contain hazardous substances. Type III residuals include non source-separated residential wastes and petroleum contaminated soils.
(Note: WDL required, see § 4A)
(Note: Authorized by meeting conditions of LBR, see § 5B )
(Note: Authorized by meeting conditions of LBR, see § 5B )
(Note: WDL required, see § 4A)
(Note: Authorized by meeting conditions of LBR, see § 5B )
NOTE: Some Class V wells located at single-family homes are exempt from some requirements under this rule. Please see Section 5(D) for more information.
(Note: Covered under State Plumbing Code, see §6 )
06-096 C.M.R. ch. 543, § 2