A copy of the PBR notification form and original photographs, not photocopies, should be submitted to the Corps of Engineers for these activities (US Army Corps of Engineers, 675 Western Avenue, Suite #3, Manchester, ME 04351. Tel. (207) 623-8367).
It is not necessary to have the plan professionally prepared. However, it must be legible and drawn to a scale that provides a clear representation of distances and measurements on the plan.
NOTE: For guidance on erosion and sedimentation controls, consult the Maine Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs, dated March 2003. This handbook and other references are available from the DEP.
NOTE: On many slopes, slumping is caused by wave or water motion undercutting the bank. If riprap is placed only at the bottom of the slope, and the upper portions of the bank are graded and revegetated, the cost of the shoreline stabilization project can be reduced.
06-096 C.M.R. ch. 305, § 8