E=(CTRS) (F) (Qsd)/BLS
Where: E=mass of TRS emitted per unit of black liquor solids (g/kg) or (lb./ton).
CTRS= average combined concentrations of TRS (ppm), as determined by Method 16, 16A or 16B during the test period.
F=0.001417 g H2S/m3 ppm for metric units.
=0.08844 x 10-6 lb. H2S/ft3ppm for English units.
Qsd= dry volumetric stack gas flow rate (dscm/hr or dscf/hr), corrected to standard conditions.
BLS= black liquor solids feed rate (kg/hr or ton/hr).
06- 096 C.M.R. ch. 124, § 6