Section 071-40-5 - EPINEPHRINE GUIDELINESA.A Life-threatening Allergy Protocol is required for all schools which must be available on the governing body's publicly accessible website or the publicly accessible website of each school under the governing body's jurisdiction. School protocol must include steps taken to prevent exposure, training frequency, designated staff, record keeping, and reporting. [20-A MRSA § 6305(9) ]B.Without a Collaborative Practice Agreement in place, a trained unlicensed school staff member can administer epinephrine only to a specific student as part of that student's individual health plan (IHP) with a prescription specific to that student. A school nurse may administer epinephrine to any person whom they believe to be experiencing anaphylaxis so long as there is a standing order from the school health advisor for this purpose. [20-A MRSA § 6305(5) ]C.With an optional Collaborative Practice Agreement in place, designated unlicensed school personnel may administer an epinephrine auto-injector in good faith to any student experiencing anaphylaxis during school or a school-sponsored activity. A collaborative practice agreement must be renewed annually. [20-A MRSA § 6305(3) ]D. Students with a medically documented known allergy and risk of anaphylaxis should have an individualized health plan in place.E. Training for school staff shall include common allergens, causes and signs of anaphylaxis, prevention, how to recognize anaphylaxis, and how to administer epinephrine auto injector.05-071 C.M.R. ch. 40, § 5