Title 9-A M.R.S.A. §6 - 104 permits the Administrator to adopt, amend, and repeal rules to carry out the specific provisions of the Code.
Title 9-A M.R.S.A. §§6 - 103 and 1 - 301(2) state that except in cases in which a supervised financial organization is the creditor, the Administrator is the Superintendent of the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection. In cases in which a supervised financial organization is the creditor, the Administrator is the Superintendent of the Bureau of Financial Institutions.
Title 9-B M.R.S.A. §215 permits the Superintendent of the Bureau of Financial Institutions to implement rules relating to the supervision of financial institutions or their subsidiaries or financial institution holding companies or their subsidiaries.
Title 9-A M.R.S.A. §5-105(2)(B) requires the Administrator to prescribe by rule a means of calculating the disposable income that is subject to garnishment when an individual is not paid on a weekly basis.
02-030 C.M.R. ch. 120, § I