Accounts Payable 6
Accounts Receivable 6
ATM Machine Settlement 3
Branch Daily Statement 3
Branch Petty Cash Checks 6
Budgets 1
Canceled Checks 7
Cash Reserve Reports 2
Corporate Tax Returns, Tax Liability Calculations 7
Correspondent Bank Accounts - Statements 6
Currency Orders & Shipments 1
FASB 91 Accounting Records (after termination of loan) 6
Fixed Asset Records - annual record of depreciation expense 7
Fixed Asset Records - detail of individual assets, including cost, method of 7
depreciation, accumulated depreciation, net book value
(after disposition/abandonment)
General Ledger Records 10
General Ledger Tickers & Transaction Reports 6
General Ledger Proof Sheets 2
Inactive/Dormant Account Records 10
Incoming Cash Letters 3 Months
Invoices from Vendors 6
Journal Entry Records 6
On-line Transaction Reports 2 Months
Other Real Estate Owned (OREO) Records 6
Outgoing Cash Letters 3
Reconcilements of Bank (Due To/From) 6
Regulatory Reports/Call Reports 10
Semi-annual Assessment Forms 3
Teller Overs & Shorts 3
Teller/Branch Proof Records 3
Trial Balance - End of Year 6
Trial Balance - Other than End of Year 2 Months
Abandoned Property Reports 10
Audit Reports - External 10
Audit Reports - Internal 6
Audit Workpapers - Internal 6
Documentation Relating to Fraud, Embezzlement Permanent
Security Audio/Video Tapes (Not Used as Evidence) 2 Months
Bank-Owned Property-Contracts/Leases, Deeds, 10
Mortgages, (after disposition/abandonment)
Board/Committee Minutes Permanent
Bylaws Permanent
Canceled Stock & Bond Certificates & Expired Options 7
Charter Permanent
Contracts and Leases (Expired) 7
Dividend Reports Permanent
Examination Reports/Regulatory Agreements Permanent
Insurance Claims (after Settlement) 7
Insurance Policies (Expired) 3
Licenses & Permits (after Expiration) 7
Litigation Permanent
Proxies 6
Stock Transfer Records Permanent
Stockholders Certificates (Unissued) Permanent
Stockholders Register Permanent
Attachments, Garnishments, Liens, Levies 6
Date of Death Notification 6
General Correspondence 3
Letters of Appointment 6
Name & Address Change Forms 6
Subpoenas Permanent
Registered Mail:
Registered Mail Record (Incoming & Outgoing) 3
Returned Mail (Excluding Promotional Material) 1
Return Mail Register 6
Return Receipt Cards 3
Broker's Confirmations & Invoices 6
Cash/Returned Items 3
Foreign Currency Draft Log 6
Night Deposit Contracts & Logs (after date of final activity in account) 2
Receipt Books 2
Repurchase Agreements (after date of final activity in account) 2
Safekeeping Records & Receipts (after date of final activity in account) 6
Safety Deposit Records (after date of final activity in account) 6
Securities Buy/Sell Orders 6
Travelers Checks Records 2
Wire Transfers 6
Certificates of Deposit (after date of final activity in account) 6
Club Accounts (after date of final activity in account) 3
Collections Items 3
Debit and Credit Adjustment Tickets 6
Deposit Rate Sheets 6
Deposit/Withdrawal Tickets 6
Overdraft Reports 6 Months
Paid Items 6
Signature Cards (after date of final activity in account) 6
Statements (Copies of periodic) 6
Stop Payment Orders 1
Truncated Checks 6
Undeliverable Statements & Canceled Checks 6
Benefit Plans:
Pension - Annual Reports 40
Pension Plan Description 40
Profit Sharing Plan Description 7
Profit Sharing Plan Records 7
Payroll Records:
Authorization of Deductions (after Termination of
Employee or Cancellation/Revision of Deductions) 1
Time Cards 6
Garnishments 6
Amortization Records 6
Confirmations 1
Correspondence 2
Safekeeping Receipts 2
Brokers' Securities:
Brokers' Securities 2
Brokers' Statement 2
Report of Lost or Stolen Securities 3
Safekeeping Advice 2
Taxpayer ID Number 5
Commercial Paper:
Brokers' Advices 2
Purchase Orders 2
Remittance Advices 2
Investment Certificates:
Certificates 7
Full Paid Share 7
Interest Accrual Records 7
Interest Remittance Advices 7
Investment Purchase Orders 2
Miscellaneous Maturities 3
Safekeeping Receipts 2
Securities Register 10
Mortgage Backed Securities:
Buy & Sell Agreements 3
Commitment Letters 3
FHLMC/FNMA Loan Files 7
GNMA Certificates 7
Interest Accrual Records 7
Monthly Remittance Reports 7
NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all loan records are to be kept for the time period indicated AFTER the date of final activity.
Charge Off Records 10
Charged Off Notes 10
Loan Application File-Denied 25 Months
Loan Officer Committee Records 6
New Loan Journal 6
Overdraft Loan Agreements 6
Paid Loan Journal 6
Payment Tickets 6
Periodic Customer Statements 6
Rate Sheets 6
Transaction Journal As Original Entry 6
Transaction Journal By Product of Post 2
W-9's 3
LOANS (Continued)
Commercial Loans:
Approved Loan File:
Applications 6
Appraisals 6
Bill of Sale 6
Borrowing Resolutions 6
Business Annual Reports (Fiscal/Yr End) (after date of report) 3
Business Cashflow Analysis (after date of report) 3
Business Income/Expense Statements (after date of statement) 3
Business Tax Returns (after date of return) 3
Commitment Letters 6
Committee Presentations 6
Correspondence 6
Declaration of Value (Transfer Tax Form) 6
Disclosure Records 6
Evidence of Insurance 6
Guarantee 6
Memos 6
Mortgage Deed (Copy of) 6
Personal Financial Statements (after date of statement) 3
Promissory Note 6
Purchase and Sales Agreement 6
Security Agreement 6
Supporting Corporate Documents - Certificate of Good Standing 6
Supporting Corporate Documents - Corporate Vote 6
Title Opinion 6
Consumer Loans:
Approved Loan File: 6
Application 6
Collateral Records 6
Commitment Records 6
Correspondence 6
Credit Report 6
Disclosure Statements 6
Evidence of Compliance with Fair Credit Reporting Act Resolution 6
Hazard Insurance Records 6
Invoices 6
Life & Disability Insurance Records 6
New Account Setup Records 6
Promissory Note And Any Modification Agreements - Copy of 6
Records of Credit Transactions 6
Title - Copy of 6
UCC Filings - Copy of 6
LOANS (Continued)
Real Estate Loans:
Approved Loan File: 6
Application 6
Appraisal 6
Assignment of Escrow 6
Assumption Letters 6
Commitment Letters 6
Correspondence 6
Credit Report 6
Deed 6
Disclosure Records 6
Escrow Records 6
FHA Insurance Certificates 6
Good Faith Estimate 6
Hazard Insurance Life of Loan
Promissory Note & Any Modification Agreements - Copy of 6
Proof of Insurance Excluding Hazard 6
Sales Contracts 6
Settlement Sheet 6
Survey 6
Title Documentation 6
VA Loan Guarantee 6
Verification of Deposit Life of Loan
Verification of Employment Life of Loan
Construction Loans:
Approved Loan File:
All Relevant Documents from Real Estate Loan File as Listed Above,
Plus Any of the Following:
Certificate of Occupancy 6
Construction Progress Reports 6
Contractors Cost Breakdown 6
Disbursement Documentation 6
Inspection Reports 6
Residential Construction Specifications & Materials List 6
LOANS (Continued)
Credit Card Loans:
Consumer File:
Approved Loan File:
Application 6
Correspondence 6
Credit Reports 6
Disclosure Statements 6
Records of Credit Transactions 6
Merchant File:
Approved Loan File:
Application 6
Site Inspection 6
Credit Report 6
Merchant Agreement 6
Accounting Records:
Budget Work Papers 4
Expense Checks 6
Expense Sheets 4
General Ledger 10
Paid Bills, Statements, Invoices 6
Reconcilements 3
Tax Work Papers 10
Appraisal of Real and Personal Property 10 *
Correspondence, Important and/or Controversial 10 *
Correspondence, Routine and Memorandums 3 *
Decedents Personal Records - Deliver/remaindermen 0
Decrees or Receipts and Releases 10 *
Fee Records and Supporting Data 2 *
Intermediate and Final Accounts 10 *
Judgments, Court Orders, Legal Opinions, etc. 10 *
Paid Bills - after paid 3
Real Estate Insurance Policies - after expiration 1
* After termination of fiduciary responsibility
Real Estate and Mortgage Documents 10 *
Receipts for Assets Received or Delivered 10 *
Records of Asset Tax Costs 10
Scholarship Grants - after distribution 5
Summary Cards, Original Instruments, Agreements and Amendments,
Letter of Appointment 10 *
Synopsis Sheets 3 *
Annual Reports - Common Trust and Pooled Funds 10
Common Trust/Pooled Fund Valuations 10
Common Trust/Pooled Fund Workpapers 7
Investment and Administrative Committee - Minutes 10
Investment Orders (Tickets) and Brokers Confirms 7 *
Investment Review and Related Material 3 *
Routine Correspondence and Memoranda (after date of transaction or closing) 2
Summary of Annual Account Activity 10 *
Internal Operations:
Abandoned Property Reports - after date filed 10
Asset Trial Balances 10
Brokers Monthly Statements 6
Canceled Trust Checks 10
Cash and Asset Blotter 7
Cash Dividend, Stock Dividend, Split and Bond Interest Proof, Maps, Claims 5
Copies of Cash and Assets Statements 10
Copies of IRS Forms (1087, 1099, etc.) and Supporting Papers 4
Daily Posting and Proving Media for Cash and Assets 7
Duties Ticklers, Check Lists, Other Internal Records 3
Fee or Commission Ledgers 5
General Correspondence and Memoranda 3
Paid Bills 6
Proxies 2
Registered/Certified Mail Receipts 7
Rights Offerings, Tenders, Exchanges, Reorganizations, Name Changes, etc. 5
Trust Check Registers and Stop Payment Orders 6
Vault Deposit and Withdrawal Tickets 10
Vault Entry Logs 6
Worthless Securities - Original Document Permanent
* After termination of fiduciary responsibility
Employee Benefit/Corporate Trust:
Canceled Bond/Coupons/Supporting Transfer Papers -
Return to Issuing Corporation and Retain or
Cremate and Retain Certificate of Cremation Permanent
ERISA Annual Reports 3
Inventory Records 10 *
Letters of Transmittal/Receipts of Transfer 10 *
Pension Payment Authorization 10
Pension/Profit Sharing Allocation Reports 7
Transfer Logs for Cancellation/Reissue of Certificate 10 *
Written and Telephone Logs with Monthly Recaps 10
Federal/State Estate Tax Returns and Related Papers (after Account Closed) 7
Federal/State Gift Tax Returns 7
Federal/State Income Tax Returns and Work Papers 7
* After termination of fiduciary responsibility
02-029 C.M.R. ch. 101, § VI