The Bureau shall process all conveyance applications under the process defined herein.
C.Standards The Bureau may grant a conveyance upon receipt of a completed application and upon such terms and conditions as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of these Rules, the public interest, and other applicable laws. The Bureau may grant a conveyance when it finds that the applicant has demonstrated that the proposed use of Submerged Lands meets the following standards.
1. The use will not be inconsistent with these Rules.2. The use will not unreasonably interfere with customary or traditional public access ways to, or public trust rights in, on or over Submerged Lands and the waters above those lands.3. The use will not unreasonably interfere with navigation, fishing or existing marine uses of the area, unreasonably diminish the availability of services and facilities necessary for commercial marine activities, or unreasonably interfere with ingress and egress of riparian owners.4. For consideration of impacts upon commercial fishing industries or infrastructure, the following guidelines shall apply:a. The use will not result in the loss or unreasonable diminishment of opportunity to economically pursue commercial fishing for the operators of any commercial fishing vessels that will be displaced.b. The use will not result in a loss of access or unreasonable diminishment of access to existing commercial fishing grounds.c. The use will not result in a loss or unreasonable reduction of repair and maintenance services essential for commercial fishing operations.d. The use will not result in a loss of fish buying, processing, or handling facilities that are in operation at the time of the application.e. The use will not result in a loss or unreasonable diminishment of access to existing commercial fishing facilities.5. For proposals involving the installation of underwater cables on Submerged Lands, the following guidelines apply: a. New cable crossings shall generally not be permitted between two mainland areas when routing over land is possible;b. New cable crossings shall generally not be permitted to islands already served by cables that provide the needed utility service. The Director may grant an exception to this guideline in cases in which the applicant demonstrates that an additional cable is necessary to provide back-up service, or is otherwise in the public interest, or that no reasonable alternatives exist for providing service to additional customers.
c. In approving new cable crossings, the Bureau may require a condition that the cable owner agree to grant a right-of-way over upland property to adjacent landowners in the event that they request a connection to utility service.d. In the routing of cables, the following areas shall be avoided to the greatest possible extent: (1) areas where commercial dragging for scallops, urchins or other marketable sea organisms periodically occurs, or(2) areas where anchoring or mooring of commercial and noncommercial vessels frequently occurs.e. In instances where avoiding the areas described in d. above is not possible, burial of cables shall be required unless the applicant demonstrates that burial is not feasible due to bottom conditions or other factors.f. Whenever possible, cables shall be located within existing cable areas as mapped on NOAA charts, or, if no mapped cable area exists, near existing cable routes - unless such siting is determined to have more interference with public trust rights than an alternative routing.g. In coastal areas cables shall be sited with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) so that the location of installed cables can be accurately determined and so that the width of cable areas can be minimized in accordance with NOAA charting procedures. In other areas, siting of cables using GPS shall generally be required, unless the applicant demonstrates that cables can be accurately located and mapped in another manner.h. Within one year of the termination of use, unburied cables shall be removed from Submerged Lands, unless this requirement is waived by the Director. If cables are allowed to be left in place, the owner shall be required to maintain a valid Submerged Lands conveyance from the Bureau and pay the applicable lease or easement fees.5. The use will not result in significantly increased risk to life or property in the vicinity of the use under conditions of weather and vessel traffic that are likely to be encountered.6. The use will comply with requirements imposed by state, federal or municipal agencies with jurisdiction over the area of the proposed project.7. The use will not conflict with established management guidelines designed to protect marine habitats or other areas of Submerged Lands which have been designated for special protection status by an agency authorized to make such designations.8. The use does not conflict with those aspects of the Coastal Policies or the Coastal Policy guidelines, 38 MRSA §1801, which relate to the criteria considered by the Bureau as outlined in these Rules.9. The use is not otherwise determined to be contrary to the public interest.10. A conveyance may not be granted, transferred, or renewed until all outstanding fees have been paid in full plus interest and all conditions of the conveyance have been met. The interest rate shall be equal to the highest conventional rate of interest charged for commercial unsecured loans by Maine banking institutions as determined by the Treasurer of State. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Bureau, that the proposed use will comply with these standards.