SUMMARY: These regulations establish standards for protecting surface water. This chapter establishes a fifty-foot setback from surface water for mixing and loading of pesticides, sets forth requirements for securing containers on sprayers and cleaning up spills occurring within the setback zone, establishes restrictions on pesticide applications to control browntail moths near marine waters and requires an untreated 25-foot buffer zone for outdoor terrestrial broadcast pesticide applications near waters of the State.
C.M.R. 01, 026, ch. 29
April 14, 1999
February 3, 2008 - filing 2008-35 (except that the major substantive language of Section 6, which was undergoing legislative review)
May 1, 2008 - filing 2008-154, including Section 6 's final adoption
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 7 M.R.S.A. §§601 - 625 and 22 M. R.S.A. §§1471-A -X.