La. Admin. Code tit. 76 § VII-900
Aquarium Livestock-all animals that are primarily raised for ornamental use in aquariums. The list of approved aquarium livestock species can be found in LAC 76:VII.915.A
Aquarium Livestock Permit-the official document required for the culture of freshwater prawns, and allows for the importation, exportation, transport, culture, possession, disposal, transfer and sale of freshwater prawns in Louisiana as approved by the secretary or designee.
Broodstock-reproductively mature adults held for specific purpose of providing offspring (gametes, larvae, set spat, or later life history stages).
Coldwater Trout-adult fish, juvenile fish, fingerlings, fry and eggs belonging to the species listed in LAC 76:VII.913.A.
Coldwater Trout Permit-the official document required for the culture, importation, exportation, transport, culture, possession, disposal, transfer and sale of coldwater trout in Louisiana, as approved by the secretary or designee.
Culture-all activities associated with the rearing, nurturing, or growing of approved DAO species and life stages.
Culture System-an approved system designed such that all water containing, or that at any time might contain, DAO species and life stages, is filtered, screened and/or sterilized in such a manner as the department deems adequate to prevent any possibility of escape from the system.
Department-the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) or an authorized employee of the department.
Disposal-processing, selling, or purposely removing DAO species from the culture system using departmental approved techniques for each DAO species.
Domesticated Aquatic Organisms (DAO)-all aquaculturally raised species which includes freshwater gamefish, all species of saltwater fish, all endangered or threatened species as well as all nonnative fish as defined by R.S. 56:8 and R.S. 56:411.
Fisheries Permit Manager-Biologist or other staff assigned the duties to manage and issue fisheries related permits.
Freshwater Prawn-any life stages of the shrimp of the species Marcobrachium rosenbergii.
Freshwater Prawn Permit-the official document required for the culture of freshwater prawns, and allows for the importation, exportation, transport, culture, possession, disposal, transfer and sale of freshwater prawns in Louisiana as approved by the secretary or designee.
Live Holding System-an approved indoor temporary holding or display system that at any time may contain DAO species (adult fish, juvenile fish, fry or fish eggs) designed such that all water is filtered, screened and/or sterilized prior to release in such manner as the department deems adequate to prevent any possibility of escape.
Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture-the land-based process of using approved broodstock to produce any life stage of molluscan shellfish.
Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture Permit-the permit needed to rear or import and transport for the purpose of rearing molluscan shellfish such as eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica).
Permittee-individual that possesses any type of valid Louisiana permit under this Chapter. A permittee can only be a natural person. A permittee may represent himself, a business, corporation or organization. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all stipulations in the permit.
Rainbow Trout-adult fish, juvenile fish, fingerlings, fry and eggs belonging to the species Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Rainbow Trout Permit-the official document required for the culture, importation, exportation, transport, culture, possession, disposal, transfer and sale of Rainbow Trout in Louisiana, as approved by the secretary or designee.
Secretary-the Secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
Shovelnose Sturgeon-pure strain of genetically unaltered fish (adult fish, juvenile fish, fingerlings, fry, and eggs), belonging to the species Scaphirhynchus platorynchus.
Shovelnose Sturgeon Permit-the official document required for the culture, importation, exportation, transport, culture, possession, disposal, transfer, and sale of shovelnose sturgeon in Louisiana, as approved by the secretary or designee.
Species Certification-positive species, hybrid, subspecies and/or variation type identification using of department approved procedures.
Species Specific Culture Permits-permits that are required for any species which have restricted methods of culture.
Tilapia-adult fish, juvenile fish, fingerlings, fry and eggs or body parts belonging to the genera Tilapia, Sarotherdon, or Oreochromis and their hybrids.
Tilapia Culture Permit-the official document required for the importation, exportation, transport, culture, possession, disposal, transfer and sale of tilapia in Louisiana, as approved by the secretary or designee.
Tilapia Live Holding Permit-the official document required for the live holding of tilapia for retail sale and allows for the import, live holding, and sale of tilapia in Louisiana, as approved by the secretary or designee.
Triploid Grass Carp (TGC)-refers to
Ctenopharyngodon idella fingerlings and larger individuals that are certified as triploid carp (3N chromosomes) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or a qualified agent or contractor approved by the department.
Triploid Grass Carp Possession and Transportation Permit-the official document required for the importation, transportation, and possession of live triploid grass carp (TGC) in Louisiana for use in privately owned waterbodies, as approved by the secretary or designee.
Triploid Grass Carp Sales Permit the official document required for the importation, transportation, possession, and sale of live triploid grass carp (TGC) in Louisiana, as approved by the secretary or designee.
Triploid Grass Carp Seller-a properly licensed fish farmer who possesses a triploid grass carp (TGC) Sales Permit.
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Fisheries Permit Manager
P.O. Box 98000
Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000
La. Admin. Code tit. 76, § VII-900