Chapter 1 - Wild Quadrupeds
- Section V-103 - Field Trials on Wildlife Management Areas
- Section V-105 - Pen-Reared Bobwhite Health Certification Procedures
- Section V-107 - Game Breeder's License
- Section V-111 - Rules and Regulations for Participation in the Deer Management Assistance Program
- Section V-113 - Fox/Coyote Hunting Preserve, Purchase and Sale of Live Foxes and Coyotes, Permitting Year Round Coyote Trapping
- Section V-115 - Possession of Potentially Dangerous Wild Quadrupeds, Big Exotic Cats, and Non-Human Primates
- Section V-117 - Deer and Elk Importation
- Section V-119 - Cervid Carcass Importation
- Section V-121 - Disposal of Illegal Live Deer and Elk
- Section V-123 - Coastwide Nutria Control Program
- Section V-125 - Control of Nuisance Wild Quadrupeds
- Section V-126 - Outlaw Quadruped, Nutria and Beaver Night Take Permits
- Section V-127 - Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator Program
- Section V-129 - Fur Trapping Seasons
- Section V-130 - Feral Hog Trapping
- Section V-131 - Wildlife Rehabilitation Program
- Section V-133 - Film/Entertainment Industry Animal Permit
- Section V-135 - Aerial Feral Hog Control Permits
- Section V-137 - Rules and Regulations for Chronic Wasting Disease Control Areas