La. Admin. Code tit. 70 § II-505

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section II-505 - Definition of Terms
A. The following are definitions of the terminology used in these standards:

Abandonment- occurs when a facility remains in highway right-of-way after it is no longer functioning.

Access Connection- any roadway facility by means of which vehicles can enter or leave a highway. Included are intersections at grade, private driveways, and ramps or separate lanes connecting with cross streets or frontage roads.

Advertisement- a public announcement inviting bids for work to be performed or materials to be furnished.

Approved Drawing- relocation drawings submitted by a utility in place of a utility relocation agreement. This is allowed when the state has no liability for the adjustments. Approved drawings have the same force as an agreement, are assigned an agreement number, and may be referred to as a utility agreement.

Arterial Highway- a general term denoting a highway primarily for through traffic, usually on a continuous route.

Auxiliary Lane- the portion of the roadway adjoining the traveled way for parking, speed-change or for other purposes supplementary to through traffic movement.

Average Daily Traffic- the average 24-hour volume, being the total volume during a stated period divided by a number of days in that period. Unless otherwise stated, the period is a year. The term is commonly abbreviated as ADT.

Backfill- replacement of soil around and over a pipe.

Backslope- in a cut section, the graded slope from the back of the ditch to the natural grade.

Base Course- the layer or layers of specified material of designed thickness on a subbase or a subgrade to support a surface course.

Bedding- organization of soil to support a pipe.

Bidder- an individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture or any acceptable combination thereof submitting a bid proposal.

Bridge- structure, including supports, erected over a depression or an obstruction, as water, highway, or railway, which has a passageway for carrying traffic or other moving loads, and having an opening measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 feet between undercopings of abutments or spring lines of arches or extreme ends of openings for multiple boxes; may include multiple pipes where the clear distance between openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening.

Bury- depth of top of casing, if cased, or carrier pipe, if uncased, below surface grade.

Cap- rigid structural element surmounting a pipe.

Carrier- pipe directly enclosing a transmitted fluid (liquid or gas).

Casing- a larger pipe enclosing a carrier.

Clear Roadside Area- that area as covered by the definition below of the clear roadside policy, providing a specified minimum distance from edge of traveled lane, beyond which above-ground obstruction may be allowed.

Clear Roadside Policy- the policy employed by the DOTD to increase safety, improve traffic operations, and enhance the appearance of highways by designing, constructing and maintaining highway roadsides as wide, flat and rounded as practical and as free as practical from physical obstructions above the ground, such as trees, drainage structures, massive supports, utility poles and other ground-mounted obstructions.

Coating- materials applied to or wrapped around a pipe.

Conduit or Duct- an enclosed tubular runway for protecting wires or cables.

Control of Access- the condition where the right of owners or occupants of abutting land or other persons to access, light, air or view in connection with a highway is fully or partially controlled by public authority.

Controlled Access Highway- any highway, to or from which access is denied or controlled, in whole or in part, from or to abutting land or intersecting streets, roads, highways, alleys or other public or private ways.

Conventional Highway- an arterial highway without access control.

Cradle- rigid structural element below and supporting a pipe.

Culvert- any drainage structure along and/or under the roadway not defined as a bridge.

Department- the Department of Transportation and Development of the state of Louisiana, constituted under the laws of the state for the administration of highway work.

Department of Transportation and Development- the Department of Transportation and Development of Louisiana, through its offices and officers, responsible for developing and implementing programs to assure adequate, safe, and efficient transportation and other public works facilities and services in the state in accordance with Act 513 of the 1976 Regular Session of the State Legislature.

Direct Burial- installing a utility facility underground without encasement, by plowing.

Divided Highway- a highway with separated roadways for traffic in opposite directions.

DOTD- the Department of Transportation and Development of the state of Louisiana.

Drain- appurtenance to discharge liquid contaminants from casings.

E.D.S.M.-Engineering Directives and Standards Manual of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.

Emergency- a situation where the safety of the traveling public or general public, or the structural integrity of the roadway itself, is placed in jeopardy.

Encasement- structural element surrounding a pipe.

Encroachment- unauthorized use of highway right-of-way or easements, as for signs, fences, buildings, etc.

Engineer- the chief engineer of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, acting directly or through his duly authorized representatives. When the term chief engineer is used, it shall mean the chief engineer in person.

Equipment- all machinery and equipment, together with the necessary supplies for upkeep and maintenance, and also tools and apparatus necessary for the proper construction and acceptable completion of the work.

Expressway- a divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and generally with grade separations at major intersections.

Flexible Pipe- a plastic, fiberglass or metallic pipe having large ratio of diameter to wall thickness which can be deformed without undue stress.

Flume- a structure used primarily for the passage of irrigation water.

Freeway- an expressway with full control of access.

Front Slope- the graded slope between the outside edge of shoulder (or sidewalk area) and the edge of ditch nearest the road (or natural ground).

Frontage Road- a local street or road auxiliary to and located on the side of an arterial highway for service to abutting property and adjacent areas and for control of access.

Full Control of Access- that the authority to control access is exercised to give preference to through traffic by providing access connections with selected public roads only by prohibiting crossings at grade or direct private driveway connections.

Gallery- an underpass for two or more pipelines.

Grade Separation- a crossing of two highways, or a highway and a railroad, at different levels.

Grounded- connected to earth or to some extended conducting body which serves instead of the earth, whether the connection is intentional or accidental.

Grout- a cement mortar or a slurry of fine sand or clay, as conditions govern.

Headquarters Utility and Permit Engineer- the licensed professional engineer authorized by the chief engineer to perform all of the functions associated with relocating utility facilities and issuing right-of-way permits.

High Grade Highway- a highway having a minimum of four lanes divided by a median, or a highway having two or more lanes and an average daily traffic volume of 3,500 vehicles or more.

Highway Prism or Roadway Prism- that portion of earth supporting the roadway structure and allied drainage ditches and/or structures.

Highway Purpose- any purpose approved by the legislature of Louisiana to be accomplished by the office of highways of the Department of Transportation and Development upon highways and streets, including relocation of public utility and railroad facilities, and including the purpose of compliance with federal laws, rules, and regulations.

Highway, Street or Road- a general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right-of-way. Recommended usage in urban areas: highway or street; in rural areas: highway or road.

Inspector- the engineer's authorized representative assigned to make detailed inspections of contract performance.

Interchange- a grade-separated intersection with one or more turning roadways for travel between intersecting legs.

Intermediate Grade Highway- a paved highway having a minimum of two lanes and an average daily traffic volume which is less than 3,500 vehicles.

Laboratory- the testing laboratory of the DOTD or any other approved testing laboratory which may be designated by the engineer.

Local Street or Local Road- a street or road primarily for access to residence, business of other abutting property not in state maintained highway system.

Low Grade Road- any road having an unpaved surface.

Major Highway or Major Road- an arterial highway with intersections at grade and direct access to abutting property, and on which geometric design and traffic control measures are used to expedite the safe movement of through traffic.

Manhole- an opening in an underground system which workmen or others may enter for the purpose of making installation, inspections, repairs, connections and tests.

Median- the portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions.

Normal- crossing at a right angle.

Oblique- crossing at an acute angle.

Overfill- backfill above a pipe.

Parish- the parish in which the specified work is to be done.

Parkway- an arterial highway for noncommercial traffic, with full or partial control of access, and usually located within a park or a ribbon, or park-like developments.

Partial Control of Access- the authority to control access is exercised to give preference to through traffic to a degree that, in addition to access connections with selected public roads, there may be some crossings at grade and some private driveway connections.

Pavement Structure- the combination of subbase, base course and surface course placed on a subgrade to support the traffic load and distribute it to the roadbed.

Pipe- a tubular product made as a production item for sale as such. Cylinders formed from plate in the course of the fabrication of auxiliary equipment are not pipe as defined here.

Plans- the contract drawings which show the locations, character, and dimensions of the prescribed work, including layouts, profiles, cross sections and other details.

Pressure- relative internal pressure in psig (pounds per square inch gauge).

Profile Grade- the trace of a vertical plane intersecting the top surface of the proposed wearing surface or other designated course usually along the longitudinal centerline of the roadbed. Profile grade means either elevation or gradient of such trace according to the context.

Project- the specific section of the highway together with all appurtenances and construction to be performed thereon under the contract.

Project Engineer- the engineer assigned to one or more specified construction projects to represent the DOTD through the chief engineer.

Project Number- a number used for convenience to describe and delineate certain construction within definite geographical limits.

Project Specifications- all standard specifications, supplemental specifications, special provisions and other provisions that are applicable to the project.

Public Utility- any business or organization that regularly supplies the public with a commodity or service including electricity, gas, water, telephone, telegraph, radio, television, cable television, drainage, sewerage, and other like services.

Right-of-Way- a general term denoting land, property or interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes.

Rigid Pipe- a welded or bolted metallic pipe or reinforced, prestresses or pretensioned concrete pressure pipe designed for diametric deflection of less than 1.0 percent.

Roadbed- the graded portion of a highway within top and side slopes, prepared as a foundation for the pavement structure and shoulder.

Roadside- a general term denoting the area adjoining the outer edge of the roadway. Extensive areas between the roadways of a divided highway may also be considered roadside.

Roadside Development- those items necessary to the complete highway which provide for the preservation of landscape materials and features; the rehabilitation and protection against erosion of all areas disturbed by construction through seedings, sodding, mulching and the placing of other ground covers; such as suitable planting and other improvements as may increase the effectiveness and enhance the appearance of the highway.

Roadway- in general that portion of a highway, including shoulders, provided for vehicular use. A divided highway has two or more roadways. In construction specifications, a roadway is that portion of a highway within the limits of construction.

Roadway Crossing- any utility service installation either over or under a state or local highway.

Safety Rest Area- a roadside area with parking facilities separated from the roadway provided for motorists to stop and rest for short periods. It may include drinking water, toilets, tables and benches, telephones, information and other facilities for travelers.

Scenic Overlook- a roadside area provided for motorists to stop their vehicles beyond the shoulder, primarily for viewing the scenery in safety.

Secretary (or Designated Representative)- chief executive officer of the state of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.

Semirigid Pipe- a large diameter concrete or metallic pipe designed to tolerate diametric deflection up to 3.0 percent.

Service Road or Frontage Road- a local street or road auxiliary to and located on the side of the roadway for service to abutting property and adjacent areas and for control of access.

Shoulder- the portion of the roadway contiguous with the traveled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use or for lateral support of base and surface courses.

Sidefill- backfill alongside a pipe.

Sidewalk- that portion of the roadway primarily constructed for the use of pedestrians.

Slab, Floating- slab between but not contacting pipe or pavement.

Sleeve- short casing through pier or abutment of highway structure.

Specifications- the compilation of provisions and requirements for the performance of prescribed work.

Standard Plans- drawings approved for repetitive use, showing details to be used where appropriate.

Standard Specifications- a book of specifications for general application and repetitive use.

State- the state of Louisiana, acting through its authorized representative.

Street- any public street, road, lane, expressway, boulevard, etc., that is not a state or federal highway under the DOTD's control.

Structures- bridges, culverts, catch basins, drop inlets, retaining walls, cribbing, manholes, endwalls, buildings, sewers, service pipes, underdrains, foundation drains and other features which may be encountered in the work and not otherwise classed herein.

Subbase- the layer or layers of specified or selected material of designed thickness placed on a subgrade to support a base course.

Subcontractor- an individual, partnership, firm, corporation, joint venture, or any acceptable combination thereof, to which the contractor sublets parts of the contract.

Subgrade- the top surface of a roadbed upon which the pavement structure and shoulders are constructed.

Substructure- all of that part of the structure below the bearings of simple and continuous spans, skewbacks or arches and tops of footings or rigid frames, including backwalls, and wing protection railings.

Superintendent- the contractor's authorized representative who is in responsible charge of the work.

Superstructure- the entire structure except the substructure.

Supplemental Specifications- additions and revisions to the standard specifications.

Surety- the corporation, partnership or individual, other than the contractor, executing a bond furnished by the contractor.

Surface Course- one or more layers of a pavement structure designed to accommodate the traffic load, the top of which resists skidding, traffic abrasion, and the disintegrating effects of climate.

Through and Local Traffic- through traffic is that traffic which has neither its origin nor its destination within the limits of the project. Local traffic is that traffic which has either its origin or its destination within the limits of the project.

Through Street or Through Highway- every highway or portion thereof on which vehicular traffic is given preferential right-of-way, and at the entrances to which vehicular traffic from intersecting highways or streets is required by law to yield right-of-way to vehicles on such through highway in obedience to either a stop sign or a yield sign, when such signs are erected.

Traffic Lane- the portion of traveled way for the movement of a single lane of vehicles.

Traveled Way- the portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes.

Trenched- installed in a narrow open excavation.

Untrenched- installed without breaking ground or pavement surface, such as by jacking or boring.

Use and Occupancy Agreement- the document by which the DOTD regulates and/or gives approval of the use and occupancy of highway rights-of-way by utility facilities or private lines.

Utility Agreement- any document that has an agreement number. These are supplied by the utility, and may consist of Articles of Agreement, estimate, statement of work, specifications, and drawings, or may consist of drawings only.

Vent- appurtenance to discharge gaseous contaminants from casings.

Walled- partially encased by concrete poured alongside the pipe.

Work- the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and other incidentals necessary or convenient to the successful completion of the project and the carrying out of all duties and obligations imposed by the contract.

Working Drawings- supplemental design sheets or similar data which the contractor is required to submit to the engineer such as stress sheets, drawings, erection plans, falsework plans, framework plans, cofferdam plans and bending diagrams for reinforcing steel.

La. Admin. Code tit. 70, § II-505

Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, Utility and Permit Section, LR 20:317 (March 1994).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 51:1901.