La. Admin. Code tit. 70 § II-1503
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section II-1503 - General Conditions and StandardsA. Any facilities placed within the highway right-of-way shall be placed in accordance with existing federal, state, or local laws and the standards of the department. Environmental clearances may also be necessary and are the responsibility of the permit applicant.B. All facilities, after having been erected, shall at all times be subject to inspection and the department may require such changes, additions, repairs, relocations and removal as may at anytime be considered necessary to permit the relocation, reconstruction, widening and maintaining of the highway and to provide proper and safe protection to life and property on or adjacent to the highway, or in the interest of safety to traffic on the highway. The cost of making such changes, additions, repairs and relocations shall be borne by the permit applicant, and all cost of the work to be accomplished under this permit shall be borne by the permit applicant.C. The proposed facilities, their operation or maintenance shall not unreasonably interfere with the facilities or the operation or maintenance of the facilities of other persons, firms or corporations previously issued permits for use and occupancy of the highway right-of-way, and the proposed facilities shall not be dangerous to persons or property using or occupying the highway or using facilities constructed under previously granted permits of use and occupancy.D. It is the duty of the applicant to determine the existence and location of all facilities within the highway right-of-way by reviewing departmental records for previous permits in the applicable area.E. Installations within the highway right-of-way shall be in accordance with applicable provisions contained in the following: AASHTO Guide for Accommodating Utilities within Highway Right-of-Way, Code of Federal Regulations 23 (CFR 23), National Electrical Safety Code C2, 1996 Federal Telecommunications Act. Those facilities not included in the above mentioned documents shall be in accordance with accepted practice. Where standards of the department exceed those of the above cited codes, the standards of the department shall apply. The department reserves the right to modify its policies as may be required if conditions warrant.F. Data relative to the proposed location, relocation and design of fixtures or appurtenances as may be required by the department shall be furnished to the department by the applicant free of cost. The permit applicant shall make any and all changes or additions necessary to make the proposed facilities satisfactory to the department.G. Cutting and trimming of trees, shrubs, etc., shall be in accordance with the department's EDSM IV.2.1.6 and vegetation manual, as revised.H. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the department and its duly appointed agents and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including attorneys' fees sustained by reason of the exercise of their permit, whether or not the same may have been caused by the negligence of the department, its agents or employees, provided, however, that the provisions of this last clause (whether or not the same may have been caused by the negligence of the department, its agents or employees) shall not apply to any personal injury or property damage caused by the sole negligence of the department, its agents or employees, unless such sole negligence shall consist or shall have consisted entirely and only of negligence in the granting of a permit.I. The permit applicant agrees to provide proof of liability insurance sufficient to indemnify the department from claims resulting from accidents associated with the use of the applicable permit. The applicant and its insurer shall notify the department in writing at least 30 days prior to cancellation of the insurance or prior to any other changes affecting the insurance coverage.J. The applicant is the owner of the facility for which a permit is requested and is responsible for maintenance of the facility. Any permit granted by the department is granted only insofar as the department possesses the power and right to grant the same.K. Any permit granted by the department is subject to revocation at any time.L. Signing for warning and protection of traffic in instances where workmen, equipment or materials are in close proximity to the roadway surfacing, shall be in accordance with requirements contained in the department's manual on uniform traffic control devices. No vehicles, equipment and/or materials shall operate from, or be parked, stored or stock-piled on any highway, median, or in an area extending from the outer edge of the shoulder of the highway on one side to the outer edge of the shoulder of the highway on the opposite side.M. All provisions and standards contained herein relative to the installation of utilities shall apply to future operation, service and maintenance of utilities.N. Drainage in highway side and cross ditches must be maintained at all times. The entire highway right-of-way affected by work under a permit must be restored to its preexisting condition, and shall be approved by the department's right-of-way permits engineer.O. Any non-metallic or non-conductive underground facility must be installed with a non-corrosive metallic wire or tape placed directly over and on the center of the facility for its entire length within highway right-of-way. Wire or tape must be connected to all facilities.P. Prior to performing any excavations, the applicant is required to call Louisiana One-Call. If installing any underground facilities, such as cable or conduits, the applicant must be a member of Louisiana One-Call.Q. A copy of the permit applicant's FCC license and registration number shall be submitted with the permit application. For towers in excess of 200 feet in height, a copy of FAA approval shall also be submitted to DOTD. All registration numbers shall be posted on the tower.La. Admin. Code tit. 70, § II-1503
Promulgated by the Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Highways/Engineering, LR 25:96 (January 1999).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 48:381.2.