La. Admin. Code tit. 7 § XXIX-102
Arborist-any person trained in the care and removal of shade and ornamental trees. Shade and ornamental trees may be defined as those on an existing homesite or commercial property and those on property permitted for development for commercial or residential purposes. This definition shall also apply to any tree within 100 feet of any improvements on these properties.
CLARB - the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards or any successor.
Department- the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
Floral Design- an arrangement of cut flowers, ornamental plants, other living or freshly cut plant materials, or any combination thereof intentionally constructed so as to constitute a planned relationship among them.
Horticulture Law- Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, Title 3, Chapter 24, §3801 et seq.
Landscape Architect-any person that applies creative and technical skills and scientific, cultural and political knowledge in the planned arrangement of natural and constructed elements on the land with a concern for the stewardship and conservation of natural, constructed and human resources.1
LARE - the Landscape Architect Registration Examination.
Stop Order and Notice of Non-Compliance- a directive issued by the commissioner or the department or authorized agent to a person prohibiting that person from continuing a particular course of conduct or prohibiting the advertisement, application, distribution, disturbance, movement, performance, sale or offer for sale of a service or material thing, or both.
1 American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Definition of Landscape Architecture, ASLA Member Handbook, adopted November 18, 1983.
La. Admin. Code tit. 7, § XXIX-102