La. Admin. Code tit. 7 § XXIII-723

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XXIII-723 - Owner-Operators
A. Every owner-operator of a pesticide application business must have a current license issued by the commissioner before making any applications of pesticides.
B. No person required by the provisions of R.S. 3:3243 to be licensed by the commissioner shall be licensed as an owner-operator unless such person:
1. has a current commercial applicator certification; or
2. employs a person having a current commercial applicator certification. All persons applying pesticides under an owner-operator license must maintain their commercial applicator certification in current status at all times.
C. No person may apply pesticides under an owner-operator license unless:
1. such person is named on the application for license; or
2. if employed subsequent to issuance of the license or on a temporary basis, the owner-operator has notified the commissioner of such employment prior to the first day of such employment. Initial notification of employment subsequent to issuance of the license may be made by telephone but must be confirmed, in writing, by the owner-operator within three days after the first day of employment.
D. Prior to issuance of the license, the applicant for an owner-operator license shall file proof of financial responsibility with the commissioner, as follows:
1. ground applicators-$25,000;
2. aerial applicators who do not apply phenoxy herbicides-$25,000;
3. aerial applicators who apply phenoxy herbicides-$50,000.
E. Proof of financial responsibility may be made by any of the following means:
1. filing a surety bond in the proper amount, written by a company authorized to do business in Louisiana and conditioned upon the licensee fulfilling his obligations to persons proven to have suffered damages as a result of actions of the owner-operator or any of his employees. Such surety bond shall provide for 90 days written notice to the commissioner prior to cancellation;
2. filing a certificate of insurance, in the form prescribed by the commissioner, in the same amount as required for a surety bond. Such insurance shall be payable to the benefit of persons proven to have suffered damages as a result of the actions of the owner-operator or any of his employees and shall provide for 30 days written notice to the commissioner. Such insurance shall not be applied to damages or injury to agricultural crops, plants, or land being worked upon by the commercial applicator. An owner-operator shall not change the amount of such insurance during the period of the license without the prior written approval of the commissioner;
3. filing a certificate(s) of deposit in the same amount as required for a surety bond. Such certificates of deposit shall be assigned to the commissioner, endorsed, and deposited with the commissioner. Holders of such certificates shall continue to draw all interest thereon. Upon the request of the certificate holder, certificates of deposit may be exchanged at maturity, under procedures acceptable to the commissioner;
4. filing an irrevocable letter of credit, issued by a guarantor and in a form acceptable to the commissioner, which shall be non-cancelable during the term of the license for which the irrevocable letter is offered as security;
5. depositing cash equal to the amount required for the surety bond with the commissioner, which cash shall remain on deposit until replaced by other security acceptable to the commissioner or until expiration, suspension, or revocation of the license.
F. Failure to maintain the required security in full force and effect throughout the license period, as required under Subsection D of this Section, shall subject a licensee to immediate suspension or revocation of his license.
G. Applicants for owner-operator license must satisfactorily complete the application form prescribed by the commissioner and pay the fee.
H. Prior to issuance of the license and/or during the period of licensure, persons applying for owner-operator license under a corporate name must provide proof of compliance with Louisiana's Corporation Laws upon the commissioner's request.
I. Each application for owner-operator license must list all commercial applicators employed on a regular basis when the application is filed. Commercial applicators hired after the license is issued must be certified to the commissioner as required under this Section.
J. All mechanically powered pesticide application equipment used by any person required by the provisions of R.S. 3:3243 to be licensed by the commissioner shall have a department issued decal affixed to the equipment. The equipment shall be registered and decalled annually with the department.
K. Owner-operator licenses shall be valid until December 31 following date of issue and must be renewed annually by filing the application form prescribed by the commissioner, together with the fee, prior to December 31. A late fee of $50 shall be imposed on any applicant filing application for renewal of an owner-operator license after December 31.
L. Licensed owner-operators who apply any pesticides which, upon disposal, are classified as hazardous wastes must comply with all rules adopted by the commissioner to regulate the handling of such pesticides prior to renewal of the license. If licensed after January 1, the owner-operator must comply with all rules regulating the handling of pesticides, which upon disposal are classified as hazardous wastes, within 30 days after issuance of the license.
M. Any person whose license or required certification has been suspended or revoked may be required to appear before the commission prior to issuance of a new license or certification. No owner-operator license or required certification shall be reinstated after suspension or revocation unless the applicant for reinstatement has complied fully with all requirements of this Rule.
N. The commissioner may deny an owner-operator license or commercial applicator certification to any person who:
1. fails to demonstrate a knowledge of pesticides necessary for the safe and efficacious use thereof;
2. fails or has previously failed to comply with any requirement of these regulations and/or the pesticides statutes;
3. has previously been adjudged, in a properly conducted adjudication procedure, to have violated any provisions of the pesticide statutes and/or these regulations; and/or
4. has failed to apply for and receive a decal for every item of mechanically powered pesticide application equipment used in the operation of the business.
O. Grass-Cutter Exemption. A person, when applying a general use pesticide to the lawn or ornamental plants of an individual residential property owner using pesticides and pesticide application equipment owned and supplied by the property owner, is exempt from licensing provided the person does not advertise for or solicit herbicide (grass or weed control) application business and does not hold oneself out to the public as being engaged in herbicide (grass or weed control) application. The person shall not supply his\her own pesticide application equipment, use pesticide applying power equipment, or use any equipment other than a hand held container when applying the pesticide.
P. Licensed owner-operators and any person working under the license shall not apply any pesticide(s) which is in any way excluded from the coverage required by Subsection E of this Section.

La. Admin. Code tit. 7, § XXIII-723

Promulgated by the Department of Agriculture, Advisory Commission of Pesticides, LR 9:169 (April 1983), amended LR 10:194 (March 1984), LR 12:187 (February 1986), amended by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Advisory Commission on Pesticides, LR 23:194 (February 1997), amended by Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Advisory Commission on Pesticides, LR 37:3475 (December 2011).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 3:3203 and R.S. 3:3243.