Chapter 19 - Turtles
- Section XXI-1901 - Definitions
- Section XXI-1903 - Requirements for Turtle Farms
- Section XXI-1905 - Inspections
- Section XXI-1907 - Collection of Egg and Turtle Samples (Formerly section 2305) (Repealed)
- Section XXI-1909 - Prohibitions
- Section XXI-1911 - Identification of Lots of Turtles and Turtle Eggs
- Section XXI-1913 - Microbiological Test Procedures
- Section XXI-1915 - Issuance of Health Certificates (Formerly section 2313) (Repealed)
- Section XXI-1917 - Quarantine (Formerly section 2315)
- Section XXI-1919 - Form and Content of Records
- Section XXI-1921 - Certified Turtle Farmers; Licensing
- Section XXI-1923 - Proper Disposal (Formerly section 2321) (Repealed)
- Section XXI-1925 - Authority of Agents to Enter Premises
- Section XXI-1927 - Department Issued Guidelines (Repealed)
- Section XXI-1929 - Penalties
- Section XXI-1931 - Repeal of Prior Rules and Regulations (Repealed)