La. Admin. Code tit. 7 § XV-167

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XV-167 - Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine
A. The department issues the following quarantine because the state entomologist has determined that the insect emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis, has been found in this state and may be prevented, controlled, or eradicated by quarantine.
B. Quarantined areas in this state include:
1. The entire parishes of Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, Jackson, Morehouse, Lincoln, Ouachita, Union and Webster.
2. a declaration of quarantine for EAB covering any other specific parishes or areas of this state shall be published in the official journal of the state and in the Louisiana Register.
C. No regulated articles as defined in this Section shall be moved out of any area of this state that is listed in this Section as a quarantined area for EAB, except as provided in this Section.
D. The following articles are hosts of EAB and are deemed to be regulated articles for purposes of this Subsection:
1. the emerald ash borer in all of its life stages; firewood of all hardwood (non-coniferous) species; nursery stock, green lumber, and other material living, dead, cut, or fallen, including logs, stumps, roots, branches, and composted and uncomposted chips of the genus Fraxinus;
2. any other article, product, or means of conveyance not listed in this Section may be designated as a regulated article if an inspector determines that it presents a risk of spreading emerald ash borer and notifies the person in possession of the article, product, or means of conveyance that it is subject to the restrictions of the regulations.
E. Regulated articles may be moved from quarantined areas to non-quarantined areas within or outside of Louisiana only if moved under the following conditions.
1. The regulated articles being moved are accompanied by a certificate or limited permit issued by LDAF and attached in accordance with the EAB federal requirements.
2. The regulated articles being moved are not accompanied by a certificate or limited permit but are being moved by the United States Department of Agriculture for experimental or scientific purposes.
3. The regulated articles being moved are not accompanied by a certificate or limited permit but originated outside of any EAB quarantined area and are moved interstate through the quarantined area under the following conditions:
a. the points of origin and destination are indicated on a waybill accompanying the regulated article; and
b. the regulated article, if moved through the quarantined area, is moved in an enclosed vehicle or is completely covered to prevent access by the EAB; and
c. the regulated article is moved directly through the quarantined area without stopping (except for refueling or for traffic conditions, such as traffic lights or stop signs), or has been stored, packed, or handled at locations approved by an inspector as not posing a risk of infestation by emerald ash borer; and
d. the article has not been combined or commingled with other articles so as to lose its individual identity.
F. Persons or businesses engaged in growing, handling, or moving regulated articles intrastate may enter into a compliance agreement with LDAF if such persons or businesses review with an LDAF inspector each provision of the compliance agreement. Any person or business who enters into a compliance agreement with LDAF must agree to comply with the provisions of this Part and any conditions imposed under this Part.
1. Any compliance agreement may be canceled orally or in writing by an inspector whenever the inspector determines that the person who has entered into the compliance agreement has not complied with this Part or any conditions imposed under this Part. If the cancellation is oral, the cancellation will become effective immediately, and the cancellation and the reasons for the cancellation will be confirmed in writing as soon as circumstances permit. Any person whose compliance agreement has been canceled may appeal the decision in writing to LDAF within 10 days after receiving the written cancellation notice. The appeal must state all of the facts and reasons that the person wants LDAF to consider in deciding the appeal. A hearing may be held to resolve a conflict as to any material fact. Rules of practice for the hearing will be adopted by LDAF. As soon as practicable, LDAF will grant or deny the appeal, in writing, stating the reasons for the decision.
G. Any person violating this quarantine shall be subject to imposition of the remedies and penalties set forth in R.S. 3:1653.

La. Admin. Code tit. 7, § XV-167

Promulgated by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Office of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, LR 412577 (12/1/2015), Amended LR 43245 (2/1/2017), Amended LR 441589 (9/1/2018), Amended LR 451436 (10/1/2019).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 3:1652, 3:1653.