Chapter 13 - Industrial Hemp
- Subchapter A - General Provisions (§§ XIII-1301 — XIII-1303)
- Subchapter B - Licenses (§§ XIII-1305 — XIII-1315)
- Subchapter C - Fees (§ XIII-1317)
- Subchapter D - Seed Producers and Growers (§§ XIII-1319 — XIII-1321)
- Subchapter E - Restrictions and Prohibitions (§§ XIII-1323 — XIII-1327)
- Subchapter F - Reporting, Research, and Record Keeping (§§ XIII-1329 — XIII-1331)
- Subchapter G - Inspections (§§ XIII-1332 — XIII-1333)
- Subchapter H - Sampling, Testing, Remediation, and Destruction (§§ XIII-1335 — XIII-1337)
- Subchapter I - Enforcement (§§ XIII-1339 — XIII-1343)