La. Admin. Code tit. 7 § V-1701
Act-the Louisiana Egg Commission Act, being Act #441 of 1968 found in R.S. 3:551.1-551.11.
Case-a standard 30 dozen egg case.
Commission-the Louisiana Egg Commission.
Commissioner-Commissioner of Agriculture of the state of Louisiana.
Eggs-pullet and hen eggs only.
Handler and/or Dealer-any person engaged within the state as a distributor in the business of distributing eggs produced in Louisiana, or distributing in Louisiana eggs which are produced elsewhere.
Licensee-a person who holds a license issued pursuant to these rules and regulations.
Person-every person, partnership, firm, company, association, corporation or legal entity engaged in the production or the sale of eggs in Louisiana.
Producer-any person engaged in the business of producing eggs in Louisiana, either as an owner or as an officer or stockholder of a business engaged in producing eggs in Louisiana, or any person deriving a profit from such business.
Ship or Shipping-to move or cause to be moved, eggs intra-state or inter-state or foreign commerce by rail, truck, boat, airplane, or any other means.
Shipper-any person engaged in shipping or causing to be shipped, eggs intrastate or interstate or foreign commerce, whether owner, agent or otherwise.
La. Admin. Code tit. 7, § V-1701