Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-7119 - Physical EnvironmentA. Physical Appearance and Conditions 1. The provider shall maintain all areas of the facility accessible to residents and children of residents in good repair and free from any reasonably foreseeable hazard to health or safety. All structures on the grounds of the facility shall be maintained in good repair.2. The provider shall have an effective pest control program to prevent insect and rodent infestation.3. The provider shall maintain the grounds of the facility in good condition. a. Garbage and rubbish stored outside shall be secured in noncombustible, covered containers and shall be removed on at least a weekly basis.b. Trash collection receptacles shall be separate from play area.c. Fences shall be in good repair.d. Areas determined to be unsafe, including steep grades; cliffs, open pits, swimming pools, high voltage boosters or high-speed roads (45 mph or higher) shall be fenced or have natural barriers to protect residents and children of residents.e. Playground equipment shall be so located, installed, and maintained as to ensure the safety of residents and children of residents.4. Residents and children of residents shall have access to safe, suitable, outdoor recreational space and age appropriate equipment.5. The provider shall have at least 75 square feet of accessible exterior space for each resident. The exterior space shall be adequate to accommodate one-half the licensed capacity of the facility.6. In facilities licensed to care for residents less than 10 years of age or licensed to accept children of residents, the outdoor play space shall be enclosed with a permanent fence or other permanent barrier in such a manner as to protect the children from traffic hazards, to prevent the children from leaving the premises without proper supervision, and to prevent contact with animals or unauthorized persons.7. In facilities licensed to care for residents less than 10 years of age or licensed to accept children of residents, all air conditioning/heating units, mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, or other hazardous equipment shall be inaccessible to children.8. Culverts are prohibited within outdoor play spaces.9. In facilities licensed to care for residents less than 10 years of age or licensed to accept children of residents, areas where there are open cisterns, wells, ditches, fish ponds, swimming pools, and other bodies of water shall be made inaccessible to children by fencing and locked gates.10. All equipment used by residents and children of residents shall be maintained in a clean, safe condition and in good repair.11. In facilities licensed to care for residents less than 10 years of age or licensed to accept children of residents, all poisons, cleaning supplies, harmful chemicals, equipment, tools, kitchen knives or potentially dangerous utensils, and any substance with a warning label stating it is harmful to or that is should be kept out of reach of children, shall be locked away from and inaccessible to children. Whether these items are in a cabinet or in an entire room, the area shall be locked.12. The use or possession of alcohol, tobacco in any form, illegal substances, or unauthorized potentially toxic substances on the premises of the residential home is prohibited.13. No interior door shall have a lock or fastening device that prevents free egress to the exterior of the home from the interior. No exterior door shall have a lock or fastening device that prevents free egress from the interior unless the provider has documentation of written annual approval from the Office of State Fire Marshall (OSFM).B. Interior Space 1. The provider shall have and adhere to policies and procedures to ensure that the facility maintains a safe, clean, orderly, and homelike environment.2. All equipment, furnishings, and interior spaces shall be clean and maintained at all times. The provider shall have a program in place to monitor regular maintenance, preventative maintenance, cleaning and repair of all equipment and furnishings that is performed on a routine basis. Written documentation of the maintenance and cleaning program activities shall be maintained by administration to include cleaning schedules and reports of repairs.3. The facility shall have sufficient living and program space available for residents and children of residents to gather for reading, study, relaxation, structured group activities, and visitation. Space shall be available that allows for confidentiality for family visits, counseling, groups, and meetings. The living areas shall contain such items as television, stereo, age-appropriate books, magazines, and newspapers.4. A facility shall have a minimum of 60 square feet of unencumbered floor area per resident in living and dining areas accessible to residents and excluding halls, closets, bathrooms, bedrooms, staff or staff's family quarters, laundry areas, storage areas, and office areas.5. Each child shall be provided with an opportunity to safely and comfortably sit, crawl, toddle, walk, and play according to the child's stage of development and in a designated space apart from sleeping quarters each day in order to enhance development.6. Computers that allow internet access by the residents or children of residents shall be equipped with monitoring or filtering software, or an analogous software protection, that limits access to inappropriate websites, email, and instant messages.7. Programs, movies, and video games shall be age appropriate.8. A variety of books, educational materials, toys, and play materials shall be provided, organized, and displayed within residents and children of residents reach so that they may select and return items independently.9. At least one corded land line capable of incoming and outgoing calls for emergency purposes shall be accessible to residents and children of residents at all times at the facility.C. Dining Areas 1. The provider shall have dining areas that permit residents, children of residents, staff, and visitors to eat together and create a homelike environment.2. Dining areas shall be clean, well lit, ventilated, and equipped with dining tables and appropriate seating for the dining tables.3. Highchairs shall be used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions including restrictions based on age and minimum/maximum weight of infants and children. Staff shall ensure that the highchair manufacturers restraint device is used when children are sitting in the highchair. Children who are too small or too large to be restrained using the manufacturers restraint device shall not be placed in the highchair. Provider shall take into account the child's developmental stage, tolerances, and ability to sit up safely by themselves.D. Bedrooms 1. Each resident and child of a resident shall have his/her own designated area for rest and sleep.2. The provider shall ensure that each single occupancy bedroom space has a floor area of at least 70 square feet of unencumbered space and that each multiple occupancy bedroom space has a floor area of at least 60 square feet of unencumbered space for each occupant.3. The provider shall not use a room with a ceiling height of less than 7 feet 6 inches as a bedroom space. In a room with varying ceiling height, only portions of the room with a ceiling height of at least 7 feet 6 inches are allowed in determining usable space.4. The bedroom space for residents and children of residents shall be decorated to allow for the personal tastes and expressions of the residents and children of residents.5. Any provider that licenses beds subsequent to April 2012, shall have bedroom space that does not permit more than two residents per designated bedroom space. All others shall not exceed four residents to occupy a designated space.6. No resident or child of a resident over the age of five years shall occupy a bedroom with a member of the opposite sex, unless that individual is the child's parent in accordance with R.S. 46:1403 or the child's sibling.7. The provider shall ensure that the age of residents sharing bedroom space is not greater than four years in difference unless contraindicated based on family dynamics.8. Each resident and child of a resident age 1 year and above shall have his/her own bed. The bed shall be longer than the resident or child of a resident is tall, no less than 30 inches wide, and shall have a clean, comfortable, nontoxic, fire retardant mattress.9. The provider shall ensure that sheets, pillow, bedspread, and blankets are provided for each resident and child of a resident:a. enuretic residents and children of residents shall have mattresses with moisture resistant covers; andb. sheets and pillowcases shall be changed at least weekly, but shall be changed more frequently if necessary. Sheets and coverings shall be changed immediately when soiled or wet.10. Each resident shall have a solidly constructed bed. Cots or other portable beds shall be used on an emergency basis only and shall not be in use for longer than one week.11. All bunk beds in use in a residential home shall be equipped with safety rails on the upper tier for a child under the age of 10, or for any child whose physical, mental, or emotional condition indicates the need for such protection. A child under 6 years of age shall not sleep on the upper bunk of a bunk bed. No beds shall be bunked higher than two tiers. The provider shall ensure that- the uppermost mattress of any bunk bed shall be far enough from the ceiling to allow the occupant to sit up in bed.12. Each resident shall have his/her own nightstand. Each resident shall have his/her own dresser or other adequate storage space for private use in the bedroom.13. There shall be a closet for hanging clothing in proximity to the bedroom occupied by the resident and child of a resident. For beds licensed after April 2012, there shall be a closet for hanging clothing within the bedroom or immediately adjacent to the bedroom. The closet shall not be within a bathroom.14. No resident and her child shall share a bedroom with another resident.15. A resident shall not be allowed to sleep in the same bed with her child.E. Bathrooms 1. The facility shall have an adequate supply of hot and cold water.2. The facility shall have toilets and baths or showers that allow for individual privacy. For beds licensed after April 2012, the following ratio shall be met. Whenever calculations include any fraction of a fixture, the next higher whole number of fixtures shall be installed. Lavatories | 1:6 resident beds |
Toilets | 1:6 resident beds |
Showers or tubs | 1:6 resident beds |
3. Bathrooms shall be so placed as to allow access without disturbing other residents or children of residents during sleeping hours.4. Each bathroom shall be properly equipped with toilet paper, towels, and soap.5. Tubs and showers shall have slip-proof surfaces.6. Bathrooms shall contain mirrors secured to the walls at convenient heights and other furnishings necessary to meet the residents' and children of residents basic hygienic needs.7. Each resident and child of a resident shall be provided personal hygiene items such as hairbrushes, toothbrushes, razors, etc.8. Bathrooms shall be equipped to facilitate maximum self-help by residents and children of residents. Bathrooms shall be large enough to permit staff assistance of residents and children of residents, if necessary.9. Toilets, washbasins, and other plumbing or sanitary facilities in a facility shall be maintained in good operating condition.F. Kitchens 1. Kitchens used for meal preparations shall be provided with the necessary equipment for the preparation, storage, serving and clean-up of all meals for all of the residents, children of residents, and staff regularly served. All equipment shall be maintained in proper working order.2. The provider shall not use disposable dinnerware at meals except for special occasions such as picnics or barbeques or in an emergency situation unless the facility documents that such dinnerware is necessary to protect the health or safety of residents or children of residents in care.3. The provider shall ensure that all dishes, cups, and glasses used by residents and children of residents are free from chips, cracks, or other defects and are in sufficient number to accommodate all the residents and children of residents.4. Animals, other than those used as service animals, shall not be permitted in food storage, preparation, and dining areas.G. Laundry Space. The provider shall have a laundry space complete with washer and dryer.H. Staff Quarters. The provider utilizing live-in staff shall provide adequate, separate living space with a private bathroom for these staff and their children.I. Administrative and Discussion Space 1. The provider shall provide a space that is distinct from residents' and children of residents living areas to serve as an administrative office for records, secretarial work, and bookkeeping.2. The provider shall have a designated space to allow private discussions between individual residents, children of residents, and staff. If there is a window in the space, it shall have a covering to provide privacy during private discussions.3. There shall be a covering on the window. J. Furnishings 1. The provider shall have comfortable customary furniture as appropriate for all living areas. Furniture for the use of residents and children of residents shall be appropriately designed to suit the size and capabilities of these residents and children of residents.2. The provider shall replace or repair broken, rundown, or defective furnishings and equipment promptly.K. Doors and Windows 1. When opened, all windows shall have insect screening. This screening shall be readily removable in emergencies and shall be in good repair.2. All closets, bedrooms, and bathrooms shall have doors that allow egress from both sides.3. Each window shall have a covering to provide privacy unless otherwise stipulated in the service plan.L. Storage 1. The provider shall ensure that there are sufficient and appropriate storage facilities.2. The provider shall have securely locked storage space for all potentially harmful materials. Keys to such storage spaces shall only be available to authorized staff members.M. Electrical Systems 1. The provider shall ensure that all electrical equipment, wiring, switches, sockets, and outlets are maintained in good order and safe condition.2. The provider shall ensure that any room, corridor, or stairway within a facility shall be well lit.3. The provider shall ensure that exterior areas are well lit when dark.N. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)1. The facility shall provide safe HVAC systems sufficient to maintain comfortable temperatures in all indoor public and private areas of the facility in all seasons of the year.2. The provider shall not use open flame heating equipment.3. The use of portable heaters by the residents, staff, and children of residents are strictly prohibited, unless in an emergency situation.4. The provider shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that heating elements, including exposed hot water pipes, are insulated and installed in a manner that ensures the safety of residents and children of residents.O. Safe Sleep Practices and Infant Furnishings 1. Only one infant shall be placed in each crib. All infants shall be placed on their backs for sleeping. a. Written authorization from the child's physician is required for any other sleeping position. A notice of exception to this requirement shall be posted on or near the infants crib and shall specify the alternate sleep position.b. Written authorization from the child's physician is required for a child to sleep in a car seat or other similar device and shall include the amount of time that the child is to remain in said device. The written authorization shall be updated every three months and as changes occur.2. Infants shall not be placed in positioning devices for sleeping unless the child has a note on file from the child's physician authorizing the device.3. Infants who use pacifiers will be offered their pacifier when they are placed to sleep and it shall not be placed back in the mouth once the child is asleep.4. Bibs shall not be worn by any child while asleep.5. Infants shall not sleep in an adult bed, on a couch, or in a chair.6. A safety-approved crib shall be made available for each infant. a. Effective December 28, 2012, each crib in use shall meet U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) requirements for full-size cribs as defined in 16 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1219, or non full-size cribs as defined in 16 CFR 1220.b. A crib meets the requirements of this Section if: i. the crib has a tracking label which notes that the crib was manufactured on or after June 28, 2011; orii. the provider has a registration card which accompanies the crib and notes that the crib was manufactured on or after June 28, 2011; oriii. the provider has obtained a childrens product certificate (CPC) certifying the crib as meeting requirements for full-size cribs as defined in 16 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1219, or non full-size cribs as defined in 16 CFR 1220.7. Each crib shall be equipped with a firm mattress and well fitting sheets. Mattresses shall be of standard size so that the mattress fits the crib frame without gaps of more than one-half inch. Homemade mattresses are prohibited.8. The minimum height from the top of the mattress to the top of the crib rail shall be 20 inches at the highest point.9. The mattress support system shall not be easily dislodged from any point of the crib by an upward force from underneath the crib.10. Stackable cribs are prohibited.11. Children sleeping in playpens or mesh-sided cribs is prohibited.12. Cribs shall be free of toys and other soft bedding, including blankets, comforters, bumper pads, pillows, stuffed animals, and wedges when the child is in the crib.13. Nothing shall be placed over the head or face of the infant.14. While residents are awake, napping infants shall be checked on at least every 30 minutes.P. Care of Children 1. Diapers shall be changed immediately when wet or soiled.2. While awake, children shall not remain in a crib/baby bed, swing, high chair, carrier, playpen, etc., for more than 30 consecutive minutes.3. Pacifiers attached to strings or ribbons shall not be placed around a child's neck or attached to a child's clothing.4. Staff shall adhere to proper techniques for lifting a child. Staff shall not lift a child by one or both of child's arms.5. Children shall be changed and cleaned immediately following a toileting accident.6. A child's request for toileting assistance shall be responded to promptly.La. Admin. Code tit. 67, § V-7119
Promulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of Community Service, LR 36:828 (April 2010), amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Division of Programs, Licensing Section, LR 38:985 (April 2012), Amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, LR 43285 (2/1/2017), Amended LR 441992 (11/1/2018), effective 12/1/2018.AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S.36:477 and R.S. 46:1401 et seq.