La. Admin. Code tit. 67 § V-7107
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section V-7107 - Licensing RequirementsA. General Provisions 1. New buildings shall be designed to appear physically harmonious with the neighborhood in which they are located considering such issues as scale, appearance, density, and population. A residential home shall not occupy any portion of a building licensed by another agency. A residential home shall be a self-contained facility. The mixing of differing populations is prohibited.2. Before beginning operation, it is mandatory to obtain a license from the department.3. All new construction or renovation of a facility requires approval from agencies listed in Subparagraphs B.2.b-f of this Section.4. In addition, all facilities shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 USC § 12101 et seq. (ADA).5. Owners shall have a fingerprint-based criminal background check through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on file with the residential home as noted in §7124. A or §7124 B, as applicable and in accordance with R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1. If an individual has previously obtained a certified copy of their criminal background check from the Louisiana State Police, such certified copy shall be acceptable as meeting the CBC requirements.6. CBCs/attestation forms shall be dated prior to the date the initial license is issued, but no earlier than 45 days prior to the initial application being received by the Licensing Section.7. When an individual is listed on the licensing application or the Secretary of State's website as an officer and does not have access to residents and/or children of residents in care or who receive services from the provider and/or is not present at any time on the facility premises when children/youth are present, a DCFS approved attestation form signed and dated by the individual is acceptable in lieu of a satisfactory fingerprint-based CBC from LSP through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The attestation form shall be accepted for a period of one year from the date individual signed attestation form.
8. A new Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal background clearance and Louisiana State Central Registry clearance are required if an individual is terminated, resigns, or no longer provides services for longer than one 24-hour period and is then re-instated. 9. Documentation of a state central registry clearance as required in §711210. Providers and staff shall not permit an individual convicted of a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541 to have physical access to a residential home as defined in R.S. 46:1403.11. The owner or program director of a residential home shall be required to call and notify law enforcement personnel and the Licensing Section management staff if they have knowledge that a registered sex offender is on the premises of the residential home. The verbal report shall be followed by a written report to the Licensing Section within 24 hours.12. The owner or director of a residential home shall be required to call and notify law enforcement personnel if they have knowledge that a registered sex offender is within 1,000 feet of the residential home as required by R.S 14:91.1. The verbal report shall be followed by a written report to the Licensing Section within 24 hours.13. Providers with live-in staff may allow children of staff members to reside with their parents in the private staff quarters of the residential home.14. Provider nor staff shall permit a resident, age 18 years or older, that has been convicted of, pled guilty, or nolo contendere to any offense listed in R.S. 15:587.1. or to any offense involving a juvenile victim to remain on the premises of the residential home.15. The email address provided to the Licensing Section on the licensing application is the official email address unless the provider subsequently submits written notification of a change of email address to the Licensing Section and the request is acknowledged as received by licensing staff.B. Initial Licensing Application Process 1. An initial application for licensing as a residential home shall be obtained from the department. Department of Children and Family Services
Licensing Section
P. O. Box 260036
Baton Rouge, LA 70826
Phone: (225) 342-4350
Fax: (225) 219-4363
Web address:
2. After the residential homes location has been established, a completed initial license application packet for an applicant shall be submitted to and approved by the department prior to an applicant providing services. The completed initial licensing packet shall include: a. completed application and non-refundable fee;b. current Office of State Fire Marshal approval for occupancy;c. current Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval;d. current city fire department approval (if applicable);e. city or parish building permit office approval (if applicable);f. local zoning approval (if applicable);g. copy of proof of current general liability and current property insurance for facility;h. copy of current proof of insurance for vehicle(s) used to transport residents or children of residents;i. organizational chart or equivalent list of staff titles and supervisory chain of command;j. verification of experience and educational requirements for the program director ;k. verification of experience and educational requirements for the service plan manager ;l. list of consultant/contract staff to include name, contact info, and responsibilities;m. list of all staff to include staffs name and position;n. a floor sketch or drawing of the premises to be licensed;o. any other documentation or information required by the department for licensure;p. documentation of a fingerprint-based satisfactory criminal record check through the FBI for all staff, volunteers, contractors, and owners of the facility as noted in §7124, and required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1. CBC shall be dated prior to the issue date of the initial license, but no earlier than 45 days before the application has been received by the Licensing Section;q. documentation of a state central registry clearance as required in §7112;r. current approval from the Department of Education, if educational services will be provided on-site for residents;s. copy of the completed reasonable and prudent parent authorized representative form;t. three signed reference letters dated within three months prior to hire for program director attesting affirmatively to his/her character, qualifications, and suitability to manage the program; andu. three signed reference letters dated within three months prior to hire for service plan manager attesting affirmatively to his/her character, qualifications, and suitability for the position.3. If the initial licensing packet is incomplete, the applicant will be notified of the missing information and will have 45 calendar days to submit the additional requested information. If the department does not receive the additional requested information within the 45 calendar days, the application will be closed and the fee forfeited. After an initial licensing application is closed, an applicant who is still interested in becoming a residential home provider shall submit a new initial licensing packet with a new initial licensing fee to restart the initial licensing process.4. Once the department has determined the initial licensing packet is complete, Licensing Section staff will attempt to contact the applicant to schedule an initial inspection; however it is the applicants responsibility to coordinate the initial inspection. If an applicant fails to schedule the initial inspection within 45 calendar days of the notification, the initial licensing application shall be closed and fee forfeited.5. After an initial licensing application is closed, an applicant who is still interested in becoming a residential home provider shall submit a new initial licensing packet with a new initial licensing fee to restart the initial licensing process.6. After the completed application and non-refundable fee have been received by the Licensing Section, Licensing Section staff will notify the Office of State Fire Marshal, Office of City Fire Department (if applicable), and Office of Public Health that an application for licensure has been submitted. However, it is the applicant's responsibility to request and obtain these inspections and approvals.C. Initial Licensing Inspection 1. Prior to the initial license being issued to the residential home provider, an initial licensing inspection shall be conducted on-site at the residential home to assure compliance with all licensing standards. The initial licensing inspection shall be an announced inspection. No resident shall be provided services by the residential home provider until the initial licensing inspection has been performed and the department has issued an initial license. If the provider is in operation in violation of the law, the licensing inspection shall not be conducted. In these instances, the application shall be denied and DCFS shall pursue legal remedies.2. In the event the initial licensing inspection finds the residential home provider is compliant with all licensing laws and standards, and is compliant with all other required statutes, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and fees, the department may issue a license to the provider. The license shall be valid until the expiration date shown on the license, unless the license is modified, extended, revoked, suspended, or terminated.3. In the event the initial licensing inspection finds the residential home provider is noncompliant with any licensing laws or standards, or any other required statutes, laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations, the department may conduct a follow-up inspection to verify compliance with all licensing laws or standards and other required statutes, laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations.4. The application shall be denied if the department is unable to issue a license within 180 calendar days of receipt of the completed initial application packet due to provider non-compliance.5. When issued, residential home provider licenses shall specify the licensed bed capacity. Children of residents shall not be counted in the facilitys licensed capacity; however the license will note if the provider is licensed to provide services to children of residents.D. Fees and Notification of Changes 1. All fees are non-refundable and shall be paid by money order, certified check, or electronic payment, if available, made payable to DCFS-Licensing Section.2. In accordance with R.S 46:1406(E), there shall be a non-refundable fee as prescribed by the department for a license or renewed license, payable to the department with the initial licensing application, CHOL application, CHOW application, and prior to the last day of the anniversary month of the license as listed below, based on capacity. 4 to 6 Residents | 7 to 15 Residents | 16 or More Residents |
$400 | $500 | $600 |
NOTE: Children of residents are not counted in the facilitys licensed capacity.
3. A non-refundable fee of $5 is required to issue a duplicate license with no changes.4. The provider shall notify the Licensing Section on a DCFS-approved change of information form prior to making changes to residential operations as noted below. For changes that require the issuance of a new replacement license, the provider shall be required to submit a non-refundable change fee of $25 in addition to the change of information form. There is no fee charged when the request is noted on the renewal application; however, the change shall not be effective until the first day of the month following the expiration of the current license. a. Removal of a service or reduction in capacity is effective upon receipt of a completed change of information form.b. A capacity increase is effective when the following are received and approved by the Licensing Section and the new space shall not be utilized until approval has been granted by the Licensing Section: i. completed change of information form;ii. $25 non-refundable change fee; an additional fee may be required in accordance with Paragraph D.2 of this Section based on new capacity;iii. current Office of State Fire Marshal approval for new space;iv. current Office of Public Health approval for new space;v. current city fire approval for new space (if applicable); andvi. measurement of the additional space by Licensing Section staff.c. Name change is effective when the following are received by the Licensing Section: i. completed change of information form; and ii. $25 non-refundable change fee.d. Age range change for residents is effective when the following are received and approved by the Licensing Section:i. completed change of information form; andii. $25 non-refundable change fee.e. Change to add services provided (acceptance of children of residents) is effective when the following is received and approved by the Licensing Section: i. completed change of information form;ii. $25 non-refundable change fee;iii. current Office of State Fire Marshal approval form noting acceptance of infants or children of residents;iv. current Office of Public Health approval noting acceptance of infants or children of residents;v. inspection by the Licensing Section noting compliance with regulations regarding the children of residents.f. Change in program director is effective when the following is received and approved by the Licensing Section: i. completed change of information form;ii. documentation of program directors qualifications as noted in §7111.A.3 a; andiii. three signed letters of reference dated within three months prior to hire attesting affirmatively to his/her character, qualifications, and suitability to manage the program.iv. satisfactory SCR clearance form from Child Welfare dated no earlier than 45 days of the individual being present in the facility /hired; andv. satisfactory fingerprint-based FBI criminal background check dated no earlier than 45 days of the individual being present in the facility /hired. 5. If a provider is found to be non-compliant with regard to a particular service offered or with a particular age group of children of residents/residents, DCFS may require the provider to cease providing the service and/or restrict the age of the children of residents/residents for which the provider is licensed to provide services.6. All new construction or renovation of a facility requires approval from agencies listed in Subparagraph B.2.b-f of this Section and the Licensing Section.7. A license is not transferable to another person, juridical entity, or location.E. Renewal of License 1. The license shall be renewed on an annual basis prior to the last day of the anniversary month of the license.2. The provider shall submit, prior to its license expiration date, a completed renewal application form and applicable fee. The following documentation must also be included: a. current Office of State Fire Marshal approval for occupancy;b. current Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval;c. current city fire department approval (if applicable);d. copy of proof of current general liability and current property insurance for facility;e. copy of proof of current insurance for vehicle(s) used to transport residents and children of residents;f. copy of a criminal background clearance or attestation forms as referenced in §7124.A or §7124 B, as applicable for all owners and §7124.C or §7124 D, as applicable for program directors as required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15.587.1; andg. copy of current state central registry clearance forms for all owners and program directors/administrators.3. Prior to renewing the facility license, an on-site inspection shall be conducted to ensure compliance with all licensing laws, standards, and any other required statutes, ordinances, or regulations. A license may be issued for a period of up to one year as determined by the department. If the provider is not found to be in compliance during the timeframe for which the license is issued, the department may proceed with adverse action. 4. Upon rule promulgation, providers with licenses that expire prior to the last day of their anniversary month may be issued a license with an expiration date which coincides with the last day of their anniversary month unless the license is pending adverse action. 5. If it is determined that such noncompliance or deficiencies have not been corrected prior to the expiration of the license, the department may issue an extension of the license not to exceed 60 days.6. When it is determined by the department that such noncompliance or deficiencies have been corrected, a license may be issued for a period not to exceed 12 months.7. If it is determined that all areas of noncompliance or deficiencies have not been corrected prior to the expiration date of the extension, the department may revoke the license.F. Change of Location (CHOL) and Change of Ownership (CHOW) 1. Change of Location (CHOL) a. When a provider changes the physical location of the residential home, it is considered a new operation and a new license is required prior to opening. In accordance with R.S. 46:1406, the license at the existing location shall not transfer to the new residential home location.b. After the residential homes new location has been determined, a complete CHOL licensing packet shall be submitted to the Licensing Section. A complete CHOL licensing packet shall include: i. completed application and non-refundable fee;ii. current Office of State Fire Marshal approval for occupancy;iii. current Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval;iv. current city fire department approval (if applicable);v. city or parish building permit office approval (if applicable);vi. local zoning approval (if applicable);vii. copy of proof of current general liability and current property insurance for facility;viii. copy of current proof of insurance for vehicle(s) used to transport residents or children of residents;ix. organizational chart or equivalent list of staff titles and supervisory chain of command;x. verification of experience and educational requirements for the program director (if applicable);xi. verification of experience and educational requirements for the service plan manager (if applicable);xii. list of consultant/contract staff to include name, contact info, and responsibilities;xiii. list of all staff to include staffs name and position;xiv. a floor sketch or drawing of the premises to be licensed;xv. any other documentation or information required by the department for licensure;xvi. documentation of a fingerprint-based satisfactory criminal record check through the FBI for all staff, volunteers, contractors, and owners of the facility, as noted in §7124 and required by R.S. 46:51.2 and 15:587.1; xvii. documentation of a state central registry clearance as required in §7112;xviii. current approval from the Department of Education, if educational services will be provided on-site; andxix. current completed reasonable and prudent parent authorized representative form as referenced in §7111.A 10.c. CHOL inspection will be conducted between the currently licensed and new location to determine compliance with all standards. The inspection at the new location shall be to verify compliance with all licensing standards with the exception of staff and children of residents/residents records that will be transferred. After closure of the old location and prior to the services being provided at the new location, all staffs, residents, and children of residents records shall be transferred to the new location.d. Services shall not be provided simultaneously at both locations.e. The license for the new location may be effective upon receipt of all items listed in Paragraph F.1 of this Section with the approval of DCFS, but not prior to the first day operations begin at the new location.f. The license for the old location shall be null and void on the last day services were provided at that location, but no later than the effective date of the new locations license. Provider shall submit documentation noting the last day services will be provided at the old location.2. Change of Ownership (CHOW) a. Any of the following constitutes a change of ownership for licensing purposes: i. change in the federal tax ID number;ii. change in the state tax ID number;iii. change in profit status;iv. any transfer of the business from an individual or juridical entity to any other individual or juridical entity;v. termination of services by one owner and beginning of services by a different owner without a break in services to the children of residents/residents; and/orvi. addition of an individual to the existing ownership (individual or partnership) on file with the Licensing Section.3. Change of Ownership (CHOW) Proceduresa. When a residential home changes ownership, the current license is not transferable. Prior to the ownership change and in order for a new license to be issued, the new owner shall submit a CHOW application packet containing the following: i. completed application form with a non-refundable licensing fee as noted in Paragraph D.2 of this Section payable by money order, certified check, or electronic payment, if available, made payable to DCFS-Licensing Section;ii. current Office of State Fire Marshal approval for occupancy;iii. current Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services approval;iv. current city fire department approval (if applicable);v. city or parish building permit office approval (if applicable);vi. local zoning approval (if applicable);vii. copy of proof of current general liability and current property insurance for facility in name of new owner;viii. copy of current proof of insurance in name of new owner for vehicle(s) used to transport residents or children of residents;ix. organizational chart or equivalent list of staff titles and supervisory chain of command;x. verification of experience and educational requirements for the program director;xi. verification of experience and educational requirements for the service plan manager;xii. list of consultant/contract staff to include name, contact info, and responsibilities;xiii. list of all staff to include staffs name and position;xiv. a floor sketch or drawing of the premises to be licensed;xv. any other documentation or information required by the department for licensure;xvi. documentation of a fingerprint-based satisfactory criminal record clearance through the FBI for all staff, volunteers, contractors, and owners as noted in §7124 as applicable and required by R.S. 15:587.1 and 46:51.2. CBC shall be dated no earlier than 45 days before the application has been received by the Licensing Section. The prior owner's documentation of a satisfactory criminal background check for staff, volunteers, contractors, and/or owners is not transfenable;xvii. documentation of a state central registry clearances for all owners and staff as required in §7112;xviii. current approval from the Department of Education, if educational services will be provided on-site for residents;xix. copy of the current completed reasonable and prudent parent authorized representative form;xx. three signed reference letters dated within three months prior to hire for program director attesting affirmatively to his/her character, qualifications, and suitability to manage the program; andxxi. three signed reference letters dated within three months prior to hire for service plan manager attesting affirmatively to his/her character, qualifications, and suitability for the position.b. The prior owners current Office of State Fire Marshal and Office of Public Health approvals are only transferrable for 60 calendar days. The new owner shall obtain approvals dated after the effective date of the new license from these agencies within 60 calendar days. The new owner will be responsible for forwarding the approval or extension from these agencies to the Licensing Section on or prior to the sixtieth day in order for their license to be extended. If approvals or extensions are not submitted to the Licensing Section prior to the sixtieth day, the license shall be revoked.c. A licensing inspection shall be conducted within 60 calendar days to verify compliance with the licensing standards.d. All staff/children of residents/residents information shall be updated under the new ownership as required in LAC 67:V7111.A.2.c, A.5, A.7, B.2, and B.4.b-g prior to or on the last day services are provided by the existing owner.e. If all information in Paragraph F.3 of this Section is not received prior to or on the last day services are provided by the existing owner, the new owner shall not operate until a license is issued. The new owner is not authorized to provide services until the licensure process is completed in accordance with Paragraph F.3 of this Section.f. In the event of a change of ownership, the residents and children of residents records shall remain with the new provider.g. A residential home facing adverse action shall not be eligible for a CHOW. An application involving a residential home facing adverse action shall be treated as an initial application rather than a change of ownership application.4. Change in Ownership Structure a. Although the following does not constitute a change of ownership for licensing purposes, a change of information form is required. i. The change of information form shall be submitted to the Licensing Section within 14 calendar days of the change: (a). if individual ownership, upon death of the spouse;(b). if individual ownership, upon death of the spouse and execution of the estate, if the surviving spouse remains as the only owner.b. The change of information form shall be submitted to the Licensing Section within seven calendar days of the change: i. if individual ownership, undergoing a separation or divorce until a judicial termination of the community aquets and gains, signed by both parties;ii. change in board members for churches, corporations, limited liability companies, universities, or governmental entities;iii. any removal of a person from the existing organizational structure under which the residential home is currently licensed.G. Denial, Revocation, or Non-Renewal of License 1. Even if a facility is otherwise in compliance with these standards, an application for a license may be denied, or a license revoked or not renewed for any of the following reasons: a. cruelty or indifference to the welfare of the residents or children of residents in the residential home;b. violation of any provision of the standards, rules, regulations, or orders of the department;c. disapproval from any agency whose approval is required for licensing;d. any validated instance of abuse and/or neglect as noted by inclusion on the state central registry if the owner is responsible or if the staff member who is responsible remains in the employment of the licensee;e. the facility is closed with no plans for reopening and no means of verifying compliance with minimum standards for licensure;f. any act of fraud such as falsifying or altering documents required for licensure;g. the owner, director, officer, board of directors member, or any person designated to manage or supervise staff or any staff providing care, supervision, or treatment to a resident or child of a resident of the facility has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to any offense listed in R.S. 15:587.1. A copy of a criminal record check performed by the Louisiana State Police (LSP) or other law enforcement provider, or by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), or a copy of court records in which a conviction or plea occurred, indicating the existence of such a plea or conviction shall create a rebuttals presumption that such a conviction or plea exists;h. the provider, after being notified that an officer, director, board of directors member, manager, supervisor, or any employee has been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to any offense referenced above, allows such officer, director, or employee to remain employed, or to fill an office of profit or trust with the provider. A copy of a criminal record check performed by the LSP or other law enforcement provider, or by the FBI, or a copy of court records in which a conviction or plea occurred, indicating the existence of such a plea or conviction shall create a reputable presumption that such a conviction or plea exists;i. failure of the owner, director, or any employee to report a known or suspected incident of abuse or neglect to child protection authorities;j. revocation or non-renewal of a previous license issued by a state or federal provider;k. a history of non-compliance with licensing statutes or standards, including but not limited to failure to take prompt action to correct deficiencies, repeated citations for the same deficiencies, or revocation or denial of any previous license issued by the department;l. failure to submit an application for renewal or required documentation or to pay required fees prior to the last day of the anniversary month;m. operating any unlicensed facility and/or program;n. knowingly permit an individual with a justified (valid) finding of child abuse and/or neglect to be on the premises without being directly supervised by another paid employee of the facility, who has not disclosed that their name appears with a justified (valid) finding prior to receipt of the official notification from Child Welfare that the individual is listed on the state central registry;o. permit an individual to be on the premises or to have access to children/youth when listed on the state central registry;p. have a criminal background, as evidenced by the employment or ownership or continued employment or ownership of or by any individual (paid or unpaid staff) who has been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to, any offense included in R.S. 15:587.1, or to any offense involving a juvenile victim;q. own a residential home and have been convicted of or have pled guilty or nolo contender to any crime in which an act of fraud or intent to defraud is an element of the offense;r. have knowledge that a convicted sex offender is on the premises and fail to notify law enforcement and licensing management staff immediately upon receipt of such knowledge;s. have knowledge that a convicted sex offender is physically present within 1,000 feet of the facility and fail to notify law enforcement immediately upon receipt of such knowledge; ort. have knowledge that a resident age 18 years or older has been convicted of, pled guilty, or nolo contendere to any offense listed in R.S. 15:587.1 or to any offense involving a juvenile victim and allow the resident to remain on the premises of the residential home.2. If a license is revoked or not renewed or application denied or refused, a license may also be denied or refused to any affiliate of the licensee or applicant.3. In the event a license is revoked or renewal is denied, (other than for cessation of business or non-operational status), or voluntarily surrendered to avoid adverse action; any owner, officer, member, manager, or program director of such licensee shall be prohibited from owning, managing, directing or operating another licensed facility for a period of not less than two years from the date of the final disposition of the revocation or denial action. The lapse of two years shall not automatically restore a person disqualified under this provision. The department, at its sole discretion, may determine that a longer period of disqualification is warranted under the facts of a particular case.H. Disqualification of Facility and Provider1. If a facility's license is revoked or not renewed due to failure to comply with state statutes and licensing rules, the department shall not process a subsequent application from the provider for that facility or any new facility for a minimum period of 24 months after the effective date of revocation or non-renewal or a minimum period of 24 months after all appeal rights have been exhausted, whichever is later (the disqualification period). Any subsequent application for a license shall be reviewed by the secretary or her designee prior to a decision being made to grant a license. The department reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether to issue any subsequent license.2. Any voluntary surrender of a license by a facility facing the possibility of adverse action against its license (revocation or non-renewal) shall be deemed to be a revocation for purposes of this rule, and shall trigger the same disqualification period as if the license had actually been revoked. In addition, if the applicant has had a history of non-compliance, including but not limited to revocation of a previous license, operation without a license, or denial of one or more previous applications for licensure, the department may refuse to process a subsequent application from that applicant for a minimum period of 24 months after the effective date of denial.3. The disqualification period provided in this Rule shall include any affiliate of the provider.I. Appeal Process for Denial, Non-Renewal, or Revocation 1. The DCFS Licensing Section, shall advise the applicant, program director, or owner by letter of the reasons for non-renewal or revocation of the license, or denial of an application, and the right of appeal. If the program director or owner is not present at the facility, delivery of the written reasons for such action may be made to any staff of the facility. Notice to a staff shall constitute notice to the facility of such action and the reasons therefore. A request for appeal shall include a copy of the letter from the Licensing Section that notes the reasons for revocation, denial, or non-renewal, together with the specific areas of the decision the appellant believes to be erroneous and/or the specific reasons the decision is believed to have been reached in error, and shall be mailed to: Department of Children and Family Services, Appeals Section, P.O. Box 2944, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9118.2. A provider shall have 15 calendar days from receipt of the letter notifying of the revocation or non-renewal to request an appeal. Provider may continue to operate during the appeals process as provided in the Administrative Procedure Act.3. If the providers license will expire during the appeal process, the provider shall submit all information as required in Paragraph E.2 of this Section. Each provider is solely responsible for obtaining the application form. The required information shall be received on or postmarked by the last day of the month in which the license expires, or the provider shall cease operation at the close of business by the expiration date noted on the license.4. A provider shall have 30 calendar days from receipt of the letter notifying of the denial of an application for a license to request an appeal.5. The Appeals Section shall notify the Division of Administrative Law of receipt of an appeal request. Division of Administrative Law shall conduct a hearing. The appellant will be notified by DAL of the decision, either affirming or reversing the original decision.6. If the decision of DCFS is affirmed or the appeal dismissed, the provider shall terminate operation of the residential home immediately. If the provider continues to operate without a license, the DCFS may file suit in the district court in the parish in which the facility is located for injunctive relief.7. If the decision of DCFS is reversed, the license will be re-instated and the appellant may continue to operate.J. Complaint Process 1. In accordance with RS 46:1418, the department shall investigate all complaints (except complaints concerning the prevention or spread of communicable diseases), including complaints alleging abuse or neglect, within prescribed time frames as determined by the department based on the allegation(s) of the complaint. All complaint inspections will be initiated within 30 days.2. All complaint inspections shall be unannounced.K. Posting of Notices of Revocation 1. The notice of revocation of the license shall be prominently posted. a. The Department of Children and Family Services shall prominently post a notice of revocation action at each public entrance of the facility within one business day of such action. This notice must remain visible to the general public, other agencies, parents, guardians, and other interested parties of individuals that receive services from the provider.b. It shall be a violation of these rules for a provider to permit the obliteration or removal of a notice of revocation that has been posted by the department. The provider shall ensure that the notice continues to be visible to the general public, parents, guardians, and other interested parties throughout the pendency of any appeals of the revocation.c. The provider shall notify the departments licensing management staff verbally and in writing immediately if the notice is removed or obliterated.d. Failure to maintain the posted notice of revocation required under these rules shall be grounds for denial, revocation, or non-renewal of any future license.L. Retention of Records 1. Documentation of the previous 12 months' activity shall be available for review. Records shall be accessible during the facilitys hours of operation.2. For licensing purposes, children of residents and residents information shall be kept on file a minimum of one year from date of discharge from the program.3. For licensing purposes, staff records shall be kept on file a minimum of one year from termination of employment with the provider.4. Records for residents or children of residents in the custody of DCFS shall be kept on file a minimum of five years from the date of discharge from the facility.5. If the facility closes, the owner of the facility shall store the resident records for five years.6. All records shall be retained and disposed of in accordance with state and federal laws.La. Admin. Code tit. 67, § V-7107
Promulgated by the Department of Social Services, Office of Community Services, LR 36:807 (April 2010), amended LR 36:843 (April 2010), amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Child Welfare Section, LR 36:1463 (July 2010), amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Division of Programs, Licensing Section, LR 38:977, 984 (April 2012), Amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, LR 43249 (2/1/2017), Amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, LR 431725 (9/1/2017), Amended by the Department of Children and Family Services, Licensing Section, LR 45519 (4/1/2019), effective 5/1/2019, Amended LR 46673 (5/1/2020), effective 6/1/2020, Amended LR 482537, Amended LR 49440, Amended LR 49848 (5/1/2023), effective 6/1/2023.AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:477, R.S.46:1401 et seq., and R.S. 46:1414.1.