Chapter 49 - Tax Collection
- Section I-4901 - Alternative Remedies for the Collection of Taxes
- Section I-4903 - Timely Filing When the Due Date Falls on Saturday, Sunday, or Legal Holiday
- Section I-4905 - Signature Alternatives; Electronic Filings
- Section I-4906 - Signature Alternatives for Preparers
- Section I-4907 - Remittance of Tax under Protest, Suits or Petitions to Recover
- Section I-4908 - Insufficient Funds Checks
- Section I-4909 - Refund Claims
- Section I-4910 - Electronic Funds Transfer
- Section I-4911 - File Date of Returns and Other Documents; Payment Dates
- Section I-4913 - Collection of In-State Tax Liabilities by Debt Collection Agencies or the Attorney General's Office
- Section I-4914 - Prescription of Refunds Claimed Pursuant to the Federal Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016
- Section I-4915 - Louisiana Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act of 2014
- Section I-4919 - Installment Agreement for Payment of Tax