La. Admin. Code tit. 55 § I-2305
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
A. Safety-devices shall include flags, lights, and/or reflectors not to project more than 12 inches beyond the width of the vehicle's body.B. Vehicles and/or loads which exceed the legal width shall meet the following requirements. 1. The owner of the vehicle shall obtain an oversize permit.2. Warning flags are required on vehicles and loads which exceed the legal width. There must be flags at the following points. a. Four flags, two on the front edges and two on the rear edges, must be attached at the widest points on the part of the vehicle or load which exceeds the legal width.b. A load which projects to only one side of a vehicle of legal width, shall have at least one flag to the front edge of the load, and at least one flag to the rear of the load provided each flag meets the requirement set forth herein; except a load which measures 3 feet or less from front most portion to the rear most portion shall have at least one flag which meets the requirements set forth herein affixed to each side of the projecting load.c. Flags must be attached on any other portion of the vehicle or load which is wider than the flagged front or rear edges.d. All warning flags must be red/fluorescent orange and at least 18 inches square. Flags must either be securely fastened by at least one corner or securely mounted on a staff which keeps the flag upright.3. Vehicles and loads exceeding 10 feet in width must display two signs with the wording "oversize load" . a. One sign must be on the front of the vehicle. The other must be on the rear of the load or if that does not result in an easily read sign, then the sign must be on the rear of the vehicle.b. All warning signs must be at least 7 feet long and 18 inches high. The background must be yellow and the lettering black. Letters must be at least 10 inches high with a 1 1/2-inch brush stroke.4. All vehicles and loads (which exceed the legal width) with permits which have not been prohibited from traveling at night or during inclement weather must be equipped with the following lights. a. Two amber lights must be attached at the widest points on the front edges of the over width part of the vehicle or load, and these lights must be visible from both the front and the side.b. Two red lights must be attached at the widest points on the rear edges of the over-width part of the vehicle or load, and these lights must be visible from the rear and the side.c. An amber light must be attached on any part of the vehicle or load which is wider than the front or rear edges, and this light must be visible from the front, side, and rear.d. A single amber light on each side, visible from the front, side and rear, may be used if the over-width part of a vehicle or load does not exceed 3 feet from front to back. If the over-width part is at or near the rear of the vehicle, this light may be red and visible from the front, side, and rear.5. Two or more lights may be combined if the resulting light still conforms to the requirements and its effectiveness is not hurt by the combination.6. All lights must be visible from a distance of 500 feet and must be of types approved for such use by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. Approval can be obtained at state police troops.La. Admin. Code tit. 55, § I-2305
Promulgated by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Office of State Police, LR 26:2628 (November 2000).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 32:380-389.