Subchapter A - General
- Section I-1501 - Scope of Rules and Regulations
- Section I-1503 - Definitions
- Section I-1505 - General Administrative Requirements
- Section I-1507 - Blasting Agents
- Section I-1509 - General Storage Requirements
- Section I-1511 - Magazine Construction Requirements
- Section I-1513 - Storage within Magazines
- Section I-1515 - Storage of Blasting Agents
- Section I-1517 - Storage Inventory
- Section I-1519 - Shortages or Thefts
- Section I-1521 - General Transportation Requirements
- Section I-1523 - Transportation Safety Requirements
- Section I-1525 - Operation of Vehicles
- Section I-1527 - Transportation of Explosives at Piers, Railway Stations, etc
- Section I-1529 - Transportation of Blasting Agents
- Section I-1531 - General Requirements
- Section I-1533 - Loading of Explosives in Blast Holes
- Section I-1535 - Initiation of Explosive Charges
- Section I-1537 - Identification Numbers and Symbols
- Section I-1539 - Investigative Reports
- Section I-1541 - Training
- Section I-1543 - Drug Testing Requirements