Chapter 7 - Sanitary Drainage
- Section XIV-701 - General
- Section XIV-703 - Materials
- Section XIV-705 - Building Sewer
- Section XIV-707 - Drainage Piping Installation
- Section XIV-709 - Joints
- Section XIV-711 - Use of Joints
- Section XIV-713 - Connections between Drainage Piping and Fixtures
- Section XIV-715 - Prohibited Joints and Connections
- Section XIV-717 - Cleanouts
- Section XIV-719 - Size of Cleanouts
- Section XIV-721 - Cleanout Clearances
- Section XIV-723 - Fixture Units
- Section XIV-725 - Drainage System Sizing
- Section XIV-727 - Offsets in Drainage Piping in Buildings of Five Stories or More
- Section XIV-729 - Waste Stacks Serving Kitchen Sinks
- Section XIV-731 - Sumps and Ejectors
- Section XIV-733 - Repairs to Drainage System via Re-route
- Section XIV-735 - Additional Provisions for Sanitary Drainage