Chapter 129 - Long Term Care
- Section XV-12901 - General Provisions
- Section XV-12902 - Participant Direction Option (Repealed)
- Section XV-12903 - Covered Services
- Section XV-12905 - Eligibility Criteria
- Section XV-12907 - Recipient Rights and Responsibilities
- Section XV-12909 - Standards for Participation
- Section XV-12910 - La POP Standards for Participation (Repealed)
- Section XV-12911 - Staffing Requirements
- Section XV-12912 - Training (Repealed)
- Section XV-12913 - Service Delivery
- Section XV-12915 - Service Limitations
- Section XV-12917 - Reimbursement
- Section XV-12919 - Cost Reporting Requirements
- Section XV-12921 - Direct Service Worker Wages, Other Benefits, and Workforce Bonus Payments