Chapter 200 - Reimbursement Methodology
- Section II-20001 - General Provisions
- Section II-20003 - Cost Reports [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1303]
- Section II-20005 - Rate Determination
- Section II-20006 - Reimbursement Adjustment [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1306]
- Section II-20007 - Case-Mix Index Calculation [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1307]
- Section II-20009 - Non-State, Government Owned or Operated Facilities and State-Owned or Operated Facilities
- Section II-20010 - Additional Payments and Square Footage Adjustments for Private Room Conversion [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1310]
- Section II-20011 - New Facilities, Changes of Ownership of Existing Facilities and Existing Facilities with Disclaimer or Non-Filer Status [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1311]
- Section II-20012 - Fair Rental Value, Property Tax and Property Insurance Incentive Payments to Buyers of Nursing Facilities [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1312]
- Section II-20013 - Case-Mix Documentation Reviews and Case-Mix Index Reports [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1313]
- Section II-20015 - Appeal Process [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1315]
- Section II-20017 - Reimbursement for Fire Sprinkler Systems and Two-Hour Rated Wall Installations [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1317]
- Section II-20019 - Evacuation and Temporary Sheltering Costs [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1319]
- Section II-20021 - Leave of Absence Days [Formerly LAC 50:VII.1321]
- Section II-20023 - Transition of State-Owned or Operated Nursing Facility to a Private Facility
- Section II-20024 - Transition of Private Nursing Facility to a State-Owned or Operated Nursing Facility through a Change of Ownership
- Section II-20025 - Low Income and Needy Care Collaboration
- Section II-20026 - Geriatric Training Nursing Facility Reimbursement Rate
- Section II-20027 - Specialized Care Reimbursement
- Section II-20029 - Supplemental Payments