Browse as ListSearch Within- Section I-901 - Use of Brand or Trade Names [Formerly 49:3.000]
- Section I-903 - Product Marking [Formerly 49:3.010]
- Section I-905 - Marking of Carcasses [Formerly 49:3.020]
- Section I-907 - Prepared Sausage, Permit Number Required [Formerly 49:3.030]
- Section I-911 - Imitation Sausage, Must be Bolding Stamped [Formerly 49:3.0301]
- Section I-913 - Sausage, Binders and Extenders [Formerly 49:3.040]
- Section I-915 - Sausage, Artificial Coloring [Formerly 49:3.0401]
- Section I-917 - Meat Products, Listing of Ingredients [Formerly 49:3.0402]
- Section I-921 - Product Definitions and Standards [Formerly 49:3.0403]
- Section I-923 - Sausage, Binders or Extenders Content [Formerly 49:3.0404]
- Section I-925 - Meat and Meat Product Labeling [Formerly 49:3.0500]
- Section I-927 - Labeling of Folders [Formerly 49:3.0501]
- Section I-929 - Labeling Only Wholesome Products [Formerly 49:3.0502]
- Section I-931 - Definitions of Labels [Formerly 49:3.060]
- Section I-933 - Labels, Mandatory Information [Formerly 49:3.0601]
- Section I-935 - Label, Common or Usual Name [Formerly 49:3.0700]
- Section I-937 - Label, List of Ingredients [Formerly 49:3.0701]
- Section I-939 - Label, Establishment Must Name [Formerly 49:3.0702]
- Section I-941 - Label, Quantity of Contents [Formerly 49:3.0703]
- Section I-942 - Label, Permit or Establishment Number [Formerly 49:3.0704]
- Section I-943 - Label, Standardized Product [Formerly 49:3.0705]
- Section I-944 - Label Approval [Formerly 49:3.0800]
- Section I-945 - Label Approval, Product Formula [Formerly 49:3.0801]
- Section I-946 - Label Approval, Inserts, Tags, etc. [Formerly 49:3.0802]
- Section I-947 - Label, Shipping Containers [Formerly 49:3.0803]
- Section I-948 - Labels Use Only on Products for Which Approved [Formerly 49:3.0900]
- Section I-949 - Labels, False or Deceptive Names Prohibited [Formerly 49:3.1000]
- Section I-950 - Labels, Imitation Products [Formerly 49:3.1001]
- Section I-951 - Labels, False Impressions Prohibited [Formerly 49:3.1002]
- Section I-952 - Meat Product Labeling Artificial Coloring, Flavoring or Preservative [Formerly 49:3.1100]
- Section I-953 - Edible Fats Labeling Artificially Colored [Formerly 49:3.1101]
- Section I-954 - Meat Product Labeling, Artificial Coloring [Formerly 49:3.1102]
- Section I-955 - Meat of Meat Product Labeling, Artificially Flavored [Formerly 49:3.1103]
- Section I-956 - Meat or Meat Product Labeling, Frozen Products [Formerly 49:3.1104]
- Section I-957 - Labeling, Reuseable Containers [Formerly 49:3.1200]
- Section I-958 - Labeling, Compliance Required [Formerly 49:3.1300]
- Section I-959 - Prohibited Acts: Labels, Use of in Compliance with Regulations [Formerly 49:3.1301]
- Section I-960 - Prohibited Acts: Labeling, Must be in Compliance with Regulations [Formerly 49:3.1302]
- Section I-961 - Prohibited Acts: Removal of Product [Formerly 49:3.1303]
- Section I-962 - Prohibited Act: Transfer of Labels for one Plant to Another [Formerly 49:3.1400]
- Section I-963 - Meat and Meat Products, Must and Sound and Wholesome [Formerly 49:3.1500]
- Section I-964 - Meats and Meat Products, Refrigeration and Freezing [Formerly 49:3.1600]
- Section I-965 - Meat and Meat Products, Seizure [Formerly 49:3.1700]
- Section I-966 - Marking of Meat and Meat Products [Formerly 49:3.1701]
- Section I-967 - Meat and Meat Products, Distribution in Commerce [Formerly 49:3.1702]
- Section I-968 - Meat and Meat Products, Inspection [Formerly 49:3.1800]
- Section I-969 - Wholesome of Ingredients [Formerly 49:3.1801]
- Section I-970 - Chemical Preservatives and Dyes [Formerly 49:3.1900]
- Section I-971 - Approved Additives [Formerly 49:3.1901]
- Section I-972 - Artificial Coloring of Prepared Fats and Product Casings [Formerly 49:3.1902]
- Section I-973 - Sausage Ingredients, Meat, Fish and Crayfish Components [Formerly 49:3.1903]
- Section I-974 - Sausage Ingredients, No n-Meat Components [Formerly 49:3.1904]
- Section I-975 - Sausage Ingredients, Milk Components [Formerly 49:3.1905]
- Section I-976 - Fats, Added Water [Formerly 49:3.1906]
- Section I-977 - Meat Products Ingredients, Special Permission Required [Formerly 49:3.1907]
- Section I-978 - Canning [Formerly 49:3.2000]
- Section I-979 - Sausage in Oil, Preparation Temperature and Time [Formerly 49:3.2001]
- Section I-980 - Trichinae in Pork Prohibited [Formerly 49:3.2002]
- Section I-981 - Hermetically Sealed Containers, Coding [Formerly 49:3.2100]
- Section I-982 - Approved Animal Casings [Formerly 49:3.2200]
- Section I-983 - Washing of Approved Animal Casing [Formerly 49:3.2201]
- Section I-984 - Animal Casings, Infestation Prohibited [Formerly 49:3.2202]
- Section I-985 - Animal Casings, Intestines [Formerly 49:3.2203]
- Section I-986 - Animal Casings, Processing [Formerly 49:3.2204]
- Section I-987 - Processing of Animal Heads [Formerly 49:3.2300]
- Section I-988 - Processing of Kidneys [Formerly 49:3.2301]
- Section I-989 - Cattle and Hog Stomachs, Processing of [Formerly 49:3.2302]
- Section I-990 - Tonsils Prohibited in Meat Food Products [Formerly 49:3.2303]
- Section I-991 - Use of Blood [Formerly 49:3.2400]
- Section I-992 - Sample Collection [Formerly 49:3.2500]
- Section I-993 - Non-Approved Dyes and Chemical Preservatives Prohibited in Permitted Establishments [Formerly 49:3.2600]
- Section I-994 - Compliance with State Food and Drug Laws Required [Formerly 49:3.2700]
- Section I-995 - Horsemeat Labeling and Sale [Formerly 49:3.2800]
- Section I-996 - Horsemeat must be Properly Identified [Formerly 49:3.2801]
- Section I-997 - Slaughter of Horses [Formerly 49:3.2900]
- Section I-998 - Horse Slaughter must be in Compliance with Regulations [Formerly 49:3.3000]