Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-8257 - Pharmaceutical Services of Inpatient HospiceA. The hospice shall provide pharmaceutical services that meets the needs of the patients.B. The hospice shall ensure that pharmaceutical services are provided by appropriate methods and procedures for the storage, dispensing and administering of drugs and biologicals. Whether drugs and biologicals are obtained from community or institutional pharmacists or stocked by the facility, the hospice facility is responsible for ensuring that pharmaceutical services are provided in accordance with accepted professional principles and appropriate federal, state, and local laws.C. If a pharmacy is to be constructed within the hospice inpatient facility, plans shall be submitted to the Board of Pharmacy for Licensing and Registration. The pharmacy shall have a pharmacy permit issued by the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy to allow ordering, storage, dispensing, and delivering of legend prescriptive orders. The hospice inpatient facility pharmacy shall have a current controlled dangerous substance license to dispense controlled substances to patients in the facility. The pharmacy shall be directed by a registered pharmacist licensed to practice in Louisiana.D. Licensed Pharmacist. The hospice shall employ a licensed pharmacist or have a formal agreement with a licensed pharmacist to advise the hospice on ordering, storage, administration, disposal, and record keeping of drugs and biologicals.E. Orders for Medications. A licensed medical practitioners order shall be obtained for all medication administered to the patient. 1. If the medication order is verbal, the licensed medical practitioner shall give it only to a licensed nurse, pharmacist, or another physician; and the individual receiving the order shall record and sign it immediately.2. All orders (to include telephone and/or verbal) are to be signed by the prescribing licensed medical practitioner in a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days.F. Administering Medications. Patients shall be accurately identified prior to administration of a medication. 1. Medications are administered only by a physician, a licensed nurse; or the patient, if his/her attending licensed medical practitioner has approved self-administration.2. Orders shall be checked at least daily to assure that changes are noted.3. Drugs and biologicals are administered as soon as possible after dose is prepared for distribution, not to exceed 2 hours.4. Each patient has an individual medication administration record (MAR) on which the dose of each medication administered shall be properly recorded by the person administering the medication to include: a. name, strength, and dosage of the medication;b. method of administration to include site, if applicable;c. times of administration;d. the initials of persons administering the medication, except that the initials shall be identified on the MAR to identify the individual by name;e. medications administered on a "PRN" or as needed basis shall be recorded in a manner as to explain the reason for administration and the results obtained. The Hospice shall have a procedure to define its methods of recording these medications;f. medications brought to the hospice by the patient or other individuals for use by that patient shall be accurately identified as to name and strength, properly labeled, stored in accordance with facility policy and shall be administered to the patient only upon the written orders of the attending licensed medical practitioner;g. medications shall not be retained at the patients bedside nor shall self-administration be permitted except when ordered by the licensed medical practitioner. These medications shall be appropriately labeled and safety precautions taken to prevent unauthorized usage;h. medication errors and drug reactions are immediately reported to the director of nurses, pharmacist and the licensed medical practitioner, and an entry made in the patients' medical record and on an incident report in accordance with facility policy. This procedure shall include recording and reporting to the licensed medical practitioner the failure to administer a medication, for any other reason than refusal of a patient to take a medication. The refusal of a patient to take a medication should be reported during IDT conferences. If there is adverse consequence resulting from the refusal, this is to be immediately reported to the director of nurses, pharmacist and licensed medical practitioner, and an entry made in the patients' medical record and on an incident report in accordance with facility policy;i. the nurses station or medicine room for all hospice inpatient facilities shall have readily available items necessary for the proper administration and accounting of medications;j. each hospice shall have available current reference materials that provide information on the use of medications, side effects and adverse reactions to drugs and the interactions between drugs.G. Conformance with Medication Orders. Each hospice inpatient facility shall have a procedure for at least quarterly monitoring of medication administration. This monitoring may be accomplished by a registered nurse or a pharmacist, to assure accurate administration and recording of all medications. 1. Each hospice shall establish procedures for release of patient's own medications upon discharge or transfer of the patient.2. Medications shall be released upon discharge or transfer only upon written authorization of the attending licensed medical practitioner.3. An entry of such release shall be entered in the medical record to include medications released, amounts, who received the medications and signature of the person carrying out the release.H. Storage of Drugs and Biologicals. Procedures for storing and disposing of drugs and biologicals shall be established and implemented by the inpatient hospice facility. 1. In accordance with state and federal laws, all drugs and biologicals are stored in locked compartments under proper temperature controls and only authorized personnel have access to the keys. Separately locked compartments are provided for storage of controlled drugs listed in schedule II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 and other drugs subject to abuse, except under single unit package drug distribution systems in which the quantity stored is minimal and a missing dose can be readily detected.2. Controlled drugs no longer needed by the patient are disposed of in compliance with state requirements.3. There shall be a secure drug or medicine room/drug preparation area at each nurses' station of sufficient size for the orderly storage of medications, both liquid and solid dosage forms and for the preparation of medications for patient administration within the unit. In the event that a drug cart is used for storage and administration of medication, the room shall be of sufficient size to accommodate placement of the cart.4. There shall be a separate area or cubicle for the storage of each patient's medication, except where a cart is used for the administration of drugs and biologicals.5. There shall be an operable sink provided with hot and cold water in or near the medicine room or medication preparation area for washing hands or cleaning containers used in medicine preparation. Paper towels and soap dispenser shall be provided.6. Sufficient artificial lighting shall be provided and the temperature of the medicine storage area shall not be lower than 48 degrees Fahrenheit or above 85 degrees Fahrenheit and the room shall be provided with adequate ventilation. 7. Drugs and biologicals, including those requiring refrigeration, shall be stored within the medicine room or shall have separate locks if outside the medicine room. The refrigeration shall have a thermometer and be capable of maintaining drugs at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer of the drug.8. No foods may be stored in the same storage area (i.e., cupboard, refrigerator, or drawer) with drugs and biologicals. The areas designated for drug and biological storage should be clearly marked.9. Medication refrigerators shall not be used to store laboratory solutions or materials awaiting laboratory pickup.10. The drug or medicine rooms shall be provided with safeguards to prevent entrance of unauthorized persons including locks on doors and bars on accessible windows. a. Only authorized, designated personnel shall have access to the medicine storage area.b. External use only drugs shall be plainly labeled and stored separate from drugs and biologicals. No poisonous substance shall be kept in the kitchen, dining area, or any public spaces or rooms. This Section shall not prohibit storage within the drug or medicine room of approved poisonous substances intended for legitimate medicinal use, provided that such substances are properly labeled in accordance with applicable federal and state law. 11. First aid supplies shall be kept in a place readily accessible to the person or persons providing care in the inpatient hospice.12. Each hospice may maintain one "STAT" medicine cabinet for the purpose of keeping a minimum amount of stock medications that may be needed quickly or after regular duty hours. The following rules apply to such a cabinet. a. The contents of the "STAT" medicine cabinet shall be approved by the hospice pharmacist and members of the medical and clinical staff responsible for the development of policies and procedures.b. There shall be a minimum number of doses of any medication in the "STAT" cabinet based upon the established needs of the hospice.c. There shall be a list of the contents of the "STAT" medicine cabinet, including the name and strength of the drug and the quantity of each.d. There shall be records available to show amount received, name of patient and amount used, prescribing licensed medical practitioner, time of administration, name of individual removing and using the medication, and the balance on hand.e. There shall be written procedures for utilization of the "STAT" medicine cabinet with provisions for prompt replacement of used items.f. The pharmacist shall inspect the "STAT" medicine cabinet at least monthly, replacing outdated drugs and reconciliation of its prior usage. Information obtained shall be included in a monthly report.La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-8257
Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Health Services Financing LR 15:482 (June 1989), amended LR 24:2278 (December 1998), Amended by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 44606 (3/1/2018).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 40:2181-2191.