La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-7275

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-7275 - General Provisions
A. Location
1. The area to be licensed as a FSTRA facility shall meet all of the licensing regulations established for FSTRA facilities.
2. A facility that is located within any other facility shall be secure and have its own identifiable staff, space and storage. The facility shall have a separate entrance, separate dining area and separate common areas.
3. A facility that accepts both male and female clients shall not assign male and female clients to reside within the same unit of the licensed facility.
B. General Appearance and Conditions
1. Heating, cooling and ventilation systems shall permit comfortable conditions.
2. Furniture that is clean, safe and operable, where applicable, shall be available to facilitate usage by the number of clients in the facility.
3. The facility shall have sufficient space and equipment to accommodate the full range of program activities and services.
4. The facility shall be flexible and adaptable for large and small groups and individual activities and services.
5. There shall be sufficient office space to permit staff to work effectively and without interruption.
6. There shall be adequate storage space for program and operating supplies.
C. Interior Space
1. Floors and steps shall have a non-slippery surface and kept dry when in use by the clients.
2. Doorways and passageways shall be kept clear to allow free and unhindered passage.
3. The facility shall provide an appropriate controlled-egress system on all required exit doors and doors leading to other areas of the facility unless prior approval of an alternative method for prevention of client elopement from the facility has been obtained from the authority (Office of the State Fire Marshal) having jurisdiction over such matters.
4. All staff shall have a key to locked exit doors.
5. All operable windows shall be equipped with a mechanism to limit exterior openings to prevent elopement.
6. Windows used for ventilation to the outside and exterior doors used for ventilation shall be screened and in good repair.
7. The facility shall be constructed, equipped, and maintained in operating condition and kept free of hazards.
8. The facility shall have sufficient storage space for administration records, locked areas for medications, cleaning supplies (janitorial), food service (supplies) and lawn maintenance (equipment).
9. There shall be evidence of routine maintenance and cleaning programs in all areas of the facility.
10. The facility shall have an effective pest control program. Pest control services may be provided by maintenance personnel of the facility or by contract with a pest control company. If pest control chemicals are stored in the facility, they shall be kept in a locked location.
11. The facility shall have an area for the safe and secure maintenance and storage of medical records and other facility files, records and manuals.
D. Bedrooms
1. Single rooms shall contain at least 100 square feet and multi-bed rooms shall contain at least 80 square feet per bed, exclusive of fixed cabinets, fixtures, and equipment.
2. Any client room shall not contain more than four beds.
a. Beds shall be of solid construction, appropriate to the size and age of the client and have a clean, comfortable, non-toxic fire-retardant mattress that fits the bed.
b. Cots or other portable beds are to be used in emergencies only.
3. Rooms shall have at least a 7 1/2 foot ceiling height over the required area.
a. In a room with varying ceiling heights, only portions of the room with a ceiling height of at least 7 1/2 feet are allowed in determining usable space.
4. There shall be at least three feet between beds.
5. There shall be sufficient and satisfactory separate storage space for clothing, toilet articles and other personal belongings of clients.
6. Doors to individual bedrooms shall not be equipped with locks or any other device that would prohibit the door from being opened from either side.
7. The facility shall not use any room that does not have a window as a bedroom space.
8. The facility shall provide sheets, pillows, bedspreads and blankets that are of good quality for each client. Linens that are torn or worn shall not be used.
9. Each client shall have his/her own dresser or other adequate storage space for private use and designated space for hanging clothing in proximity to the bedroom occupied by the client.
10. The facility shall not assign clients to a space that is not part of the licensed facility.
E. Bathrooms
1. The number of toilets and hand-washing facilities shall not be less than one designated, segregated male bathroom facility and one designated, segregated female bathroom facility per 13 clients.
a. Post promulgation of this rule, facilities seeking to change geographic location or new construction, and that have not received plan review approval, the number of toilets and hand-washing facilities shall be in accordance with current, applicable state laws, rules and regulations.
2. A bathroom facility shall have wash basins with hot and cold water, flush toilets, and bath or shower facilities with hot and cold water according to client care needs.
3. Bathrooms shall be so placed as to allow access without disturbing other clients during sleeping hours.
4. Each bathroom shall be properly equipped with toilet paper, towels, soap and other items required for personal hygiene, unless clients are individually given such items.
a. Clients shall be provided individual items such as hair brushes and toothbrushes.
5. Tubs and showers shall have slip proof surfaces.
6. The facility shall have toilets and baths or showers that allow for individual privacy, unless the clients in care require assistance.
7. Toilets, wash basins and other plumbing or sanitary facilities in the facility shall, at all times, be maintained in operable condition and shall be kept free of any materials that might clog or otherwise impair their operation.
8. The facility shall have separate toilet facilities for staff.
F. Furnishings
1. The facility shall be sufficiently furnished to meet the needs of the clients. All furnishings and equipment shall be kept clean, safe and operable, where applicable.
2. Adequate furniture shall be available and shall be appropriate for use by the clients in terms of comfort and safety.
3. Furnishings shall include tables and chairs sufficient in number to serve all clients.
G. Kitchen
1. A facility that has a kitchen area shall meet all health and sanitation requirements and shall be of sufficient size to accommodate meal preparation for the proposed number of clients.
2. Kitchens used for meal preparations shall have the equipment necessary for the preparation, serving and storage and clean-up of all meals regularly served to all clients and staff. All equipment shall be maintained in proper working order.
3. The facility's refrigerator(s) shall be maintained at a temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Freezers shall be maintained at a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Thermometers shall be provided for all refrigerators and freezers. The facility shall maintain logs of temperatures of the refrigerator and freezers. Abnormal temperatures shall be reported to management and arrangements made for repair/service. Documentation of such shall be maintained.
4. The facility shall ensure that all dishes, cups and glasses used by clients are free from chips, cracks or other defects and are in sufficient number to accommodate all clients.
5. If food is prepared in a central kitchen and delivered to the facility, provisions shall be made and approved by the Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Sanitarian Services for proper maintenance of food temperatures and a sanitary mode of transportation.
H. Medication Storage and Monitoring
1. The facility shall have policies and procedures for the storage, administration and disposal of both prescription and over-the-counter medications.
2. There shall be a designated secure area for the storage, preparation, and proper disposal of medications.
3. Medications that require refrigeration shall be stored in a separate secured refrigerator (not with food, beverages, etc.).
4. The facility shall have a process for monitoring the inventory and reconciliation of prescribed controlled substances by authorized licensed staff. The process shall include the reporting of lost or missing medications by designated licensed staff in accordance with the Louisiana State Board of Pharmacy and applicable state law.
5. Medications may be administered from a secured medication dispensing central area of the facility.
I. Laundry
1. The facility shall provide for laundry services, either on-site or at an off-site location that is adequate to meet the needs of the clients.
2. For any provision of laundry service, available on-site or contracted, the facility shall ensure and maintain procedures to prevent cross contamination of soiled laundry with clean laundry.
3. If on-site, laundry facilities shall be located in a specifically designated area and there shall be adequate rooms and spaces for sorting, processing, and storage of soiled material.
4. Laundry rooms shall not open directly into client common areas or food service areas.
5. Domestic washers and dryers that are for the exclusive use of clients may be located in client areas, provided they are installed in such a manner that they do not pose a sanitation problem or safety risk.
J. Water Supply
1. An adequate supply of water, under pressure, shall be provided at all times.
2. Clean sanitary drinking water shall be available and accessible in adequate supply at all times. Disposable cups, if used, shall be stored in such a way as to prevent contamination.
3. When a public water system is available, a connection shall be made thereto. If water from a source other than a public water supply is used, the supply shall meet the requirements set forth under the rules and regulations of the Office of Public Health (OPH).
4. The facility shall have a plan and policy for an alternative water supply in the event of interruption of water supply and for the prolonged loss of water.
K. All sewage shall be disposed of by means of either:
1. a public system where one is accessible within 300 feet; or
2. an approved sewage disposal system that is constructed and operated in conformance with the standards established for such systems by OPH.
L. Facility Exterior
1. The FSTRA shall maintain all areas of the facility that are accessible to the clients in good repair and free from any reasonably foreseeable hazard to health or safety.
2. All structures on the grounds of the facility shall be maintained in operating condition.
3. Garbage and rubbish stored outside shall be secured in noncombustible, covered containers and shall be removed on a regular basis.
4. Fences shall be in good repair and constructed in such a way as to provide safety and security.
5. Areas determined unsafe, including steep grades, open pits, swimming pools, high voltage boosters or high speed roads shall be fenced or have natural barriers to protect clients.
6. Clients shall have access to safe, suitable outdoor recreational space.
7. The facility shall ensure that exterior areas are well lit at night.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-7275

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 37:1170 (April 2011), Promulgated by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 4370 (1/1/2017), Amended by the Department of Health, Health Standards Section, LR 50525 (4/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 28:31-28:37.