La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-5091

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-5091 - Operational Requirements for Substitute Family Care Caregivers
A. The SFC caregiver(s) shall provide environments that meet the needs of the client's.
B. The SFC caregivers home shall be located within a 25 mile radius of community facilities, resources and services such as medical care, schools, recreation facilities, churches and other community facilities.
C. The home of the SFC family shall not be used as lodging for any person(s) who is not subject to the prior approval certification process of the SFC family. The SFC family shall notify the administrator, or designee of the SFC provider, of any person(s) allowed to reside in the home following the initial certification.
1. In a non-emergent situation, prior notification is required. In an emergent situation, notification shall be made within 48 hours of the additional person's move into the substitute's family home.
2. All persons residing with the SFC family, including temporary or on a non-permanent basis, shall undergo statewide criminal record background checks conducted by the Louisiana State Police, or its authorized agent.
3. The SFC family shall accept persons requiring care or supervision only through the SFC provider with whom they have a current contract.
D. The SFC caregiver shall care for no more than two SFC clients in the caregiver's home. The SFC caregiver shall allow no more than three persons unrelated to the principal caregiver to live in the home. These three persons include the SFC clients.
E. The SFC caregiver shall have a stable income sufficient to meet routine expenses, independent of the payments for their substitute family care services, as demonstrated by a reasonable comparison between income and expenses conducted by the administrator or designee of the SFC provider upon initiation of services and as necessary thereafter.
F. The SFC caregiver shall have a plan that outlines in detail the supports to be provided. This plan shall be approved and updated as required and as necessary by the SFC provider. The SFC caregiver shall allow only SFC approved persons to provide care or supervision to the SFC client.
1. An adequate support system for the supervision and care of the participant in both on-going and emergent situations shall include:
a. identification of any person(s) who will supervise the participant on a routine basis which shall be prior approved by the administrator or designee of the SFC agency provider;
b. identification of any person(s) who will supervise for non-planned (emergency) assumption of supervisory duties who has not been previously identified and who shall be reported to the agency provider administrator or designee within 12 hours; and
c. established eligibility for available and appropriate community resources.
G. The SFC caregiver and/or household shall receive referrals only from the licensed SFC provider with whom it has a contract.
H. SFC Caregiver's Home Environment
1. The home of the SFC caregiver shall be safe and in good repair, comparable to other family homes in the neighborhood. The home and its exterior shall be free from materials and objects which constitute a potential for danger to the individual(s) who reside in the home.
2. SFC homes featuring either a swimming or wading pool shall ensure that safety precautions prevent unsupervised accessibility to client's.
3. The home of the SFC caregiver shall have:
a. functional air conditioning and heating units which maintain an ambient temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit;
b. a working telephone;
c. secure storage of drugs and poisons;
d. secure storage of alcoholic beverages;
e. pest control;
f. secure storage of fire arms and ammunition;
g. household first aid supplies to treat minor injuries;
h. plumbing in functional working order and availability of a method to maintain safe water temperatures for bathing; and
i. a clean and sanitary home, free from any health and/or safety hazards.
4. The SFC home shall be free from fire hazards such as faulty electrical cords, faulty appliances and non-maintained fireplaces and chimneys, and shall have the following:
a. operating smoke alarms within 10 feet of each bedroom;
b. portable chemical fire extinguishers located in the kitchen area of the home;
c. posted emergency evacuation plans which shall be practiced at least quarterly; and
d. two unrestricted doors which can be used as exits.
5. The SFC home shall maintain environments that meet the following standards.
a. There shall be a bedroom for each client with at least 80 square feet exclusive of closets, vestibules and bathrooms and equipped with a door, that locks from the inside for privacy unless contraindicated by any condition of the client. client's shall be afforded privacy within their sleeping units.
i. The department may grant a waiver from individual bedroom and square feet requirements upon good cause shown, as long as the health, safety and welfare of the client are not at risk.
b. Each client shall have his own bed unit, including frame, which is appropriate to his/her size and is fitted with a non-toxic mattress with a water proof cover.
c. Each client shall have a private dresser or similar storage area for personal belongings that is readily accessible to the client.
d. There shall be a closet, permanent or portable, to store clothing or aids to physical functioning, if any, which is readily accessible to the client.
e. The client shall have access to a working telephone.
f. The home shall have one bathroom for every two members of the SFC household, unless waived by the department.
g. The home shall have cooking and refrigeration equipment and kitchen and or dining areas with appropriate furniture that allows the client to participate in food preparation and family meals.
h. The home shall have sufficient living or family room space, furnished comfortably and accessible to all members of the household.
i. The home shall have adequate light in each room, hallway and entry to meet the requirements of the activities that occur in those areas.
j. The home shall have window coverings to ensure privacy.
I. Automobile Insurance and Safety Requirements
1. Each SFC caregiver shall have a safe and dependable means of transportation available as needed for the client.
2. The SFC caregiver shall provide the following information to the SFC provider who is responsible for maintaining copies in its records:
a. current and valid driver's licenses of persons routinely transporting the client;
b. current auto insurance verifications demonstrating at least minimal liability insurance coverage;
c. documentation of visual reviews of current inspection stickers; and
d. documentation of a drivers license status inquiry report on each family member who will be transporting the client.
3. If the client(s) are authorized to operate the family vehicle, liability insurance coverage specific to the client(s) use shall be maintained at all times in accordance with state law.
J. Client Records
1. The SFC caregiver shall forward all client records, including progress notes and client service notes to the SFC provider on a monthly basis. The following information shall be maintained in the client records in the SFC caregiver's home:
a. client's name, sex, race and date of birth;
b. client's address and the telephone number of the client's current place of employment, school or day provider;
c. clients' Medicaid/Medicare and other insurance cards and numbers;
d. client's social security number and legal status;
e. name and telephone number of the client's preferred hospital, physician and dentist ;
f. name and telephone number of the closest living relative or emergency contact person for the client;
g. preferred religion (optional) of the client;
h. Medicaid eligibility information;
i. medical information, including, but not limited to:
i. current medications, including dosages, frequency and means of delivery;
ii. the condition for which each medication is prescribed; and
iii. allergies;
j. identification and emergency contact information on persons identified as having authority to make emergency medical decisions in the case of the individual's inability to do so independently;
k. progress notes written on at least a monthly basis summarizing services and interventions provided and progress toward service objectives; and
i. Repealed.
l. a copy of the client's ISP and any vocational and behavioral plans.
2. Each SFC family shall have documentation attesting to the receipt of an adequate explanation of:
a. the client's rights and responsibilities;
b. grievance procedures;
c. critical incident reports; and
d. formal grievances filed by the client.
3. All records maintained by the SFC caregiver shall clearly identify the:
a. date the information was entered or updated in the record;
b. signature or initials of the person entering the information; and
c. documentation of the need for ongoing services.
K. - K.2. Repealed.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-5091

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 38:91 (January 2012), Amended by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 432520 (12/1/2017).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and R.S. 40:2120.1.