La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-5063

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-5063 - Emergency Preparedness
A. A disaster or emergency may be a local, community-wide, regional or statewide event. Disasters or emergencies may include, but are not limited to:
1. tornados;
2. fires;
3. floods;
4. hurricanes;
5. power outages;
6. chemical spills;
7. biohazards;
8. train wrecks; or
9. declared health crisis.
B. provider's shall ensure that each client has a documented individual plan in preparation for, and response to, emergencies and disasters and shall assist client's in identifying the specific resources available through family, friends, the neighborhood and the community.
C. Continuity of Operations. The provider shall have written disaster and emergency preparedness plans which are based on a risk assessment using an all hazards approach for both internal and external occurrences, developed and approved by the governing body and updated annually:
1. to maintain continuity of the provider's operations in preparation for, during and after an emergency or disaster;
2. to manage the consequences of all disasters or emergencies that disrupt the provider's ability to render care and treatment, or threaten the lives or safety of the client's; and
3. that are prepared in coordination with the provider's local and/or parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP) and include provisions for persons with disabilities.
D. The HCBS provider shall develop and implement policies and procedures based on the emergency plan, risk assessment, and communication plan which shall be reviewed and updated at least annually to maintain continuity of the agency's operations in preparation for, during and after an emergency or disaster. The plan shall be designed to manage the consequences of all hazards, declared disasters or other emergencies that disrupt the provider's ability to render care and treatment, or threatens the lives or safety of the client's.
1. At any time that the HCBS provider has an interruption in services or a change in the licensed location due to an emergency situation, the provider shall notify HSS no later than the next business day.
2. - 6. Repealed.
E. The provider shall follow and execute its emergency preparedness plan in the event of the occurrence of a declared disaster or other emergency. The plan shall include, at a minimum:
1. provisions for the delivery of essential services to each client as identified in the individualized emergency plan for each client, whether the client is in a shelter or other location;
2. provisions for the management of staff, including provisions for adequate, qualified staff as well as for distribution and assignment of responsibilities and functions;
3. provisions for back-up staff;
4. the method that the provider will utilize in notifying the client's family or caregiver if the client is evacuated to another location either by the provider or with the assistance or knowledge of the provider. This notification shall include:
a. the date and approximate time that the provider or client is evacuating;
b. the place or location to which the client(s) is evacuating which includes the name, address and telephone numbers; and
c. a telephone number that the family or responsible representative may call for information regarding the provider's evacuation;
5. provisions for ensuring that sufficient supplies, medications, clothing and a copy of the individual service plan are sent with the client, if the client is evacuated; and
6. the procedure or methods that will be used to ensure that identification accompanies the individual. The identification shall include the following information:
a. current and active diagnoses;
b. medication(s), including dosages and times administered;
c. allergies;
d. special dietary needs or restrictions; and
e. next of kin, including contact information.
F. Emergency Plan Review and Summary. The provider shall review and update its emergency preparedness plan, as well as each client's emergency plan at least annually.
G. The provider shall cooperate with the department and with the local or parish OHSEP in the event of an emergency or disaster and shall provide information as requested.
H. The provider shall monitor weather warnings and watches as well as evacuation order from local and state emergency preparedness officials.
I. All agency employees, either contracted or staff, shall be trained in emergency or disaster preparedness. Training shall include orientation, ongoing training and participation in planned drills for all personnel.
J. Upon request by the department, the HCBSP shall submit a copy of its emergency preparedness plan and a written summary attesting how the plan was followed and executed. The summary shall contain, at a minimum:
1. pertinent plan provisions and how the plan was followed and executed;
2. plan provisions that were not followed;
3. reasons and mitigating circumstances for failure to follow and execute certain plan provisions;
4. contingency arrangements made for those plan provisions not followed; and
5. a list of all injuries and deaths of clients that occurred during execution of the plan, evacuation or temporary relocation including the date, time, causes and circumstances of the injuries and deaths.
K. - K.7. Repealed.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-5063

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 38:83 (January 2012), Amended by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 432516 (12/1/2017).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and R.S. 40:2120.1.