La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-5041

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-5041 - Individual Service Plan
A. Upon admission and prior to the initiation of care and services, an individual service plan shall be person centered and developed for each client, based upon a comprehensive assessment.
B. The client shall participate in the planning process. If the client is unable to participate in all or part of the planning, the provider shall document the parts or times and reasons why the client did not participate.
C. The agency shall document that they consulted with the client or legal representative regarding who should be involved in the planning process.
D. The agency shall document who attends the planning meeting.
E. The provider shall ensure that the ISP and any subsequent revisions are explained to the client receiving services and, where appropriate, the legal representative, in language that is understandable to them.
F. The ISP shall include the following components:
1. the findings of the comprehensive assessment;
2. a statement of goals to be achieved or worked towards for the person receiving services and their family or legal representative;
3. daily activities and specialized services that will be provided directly or arranged for;
4. target dates for completion or re-evaluation of the stated goals;
5. identification of all persons responsible for implementing or coordinating implementation of the plan; and
6. documentation of all setting options for services, including non-disability specific settings, which the provider offered to the client, including residential settings.
G. The provider shall ensure that all agency staff working directly with the person receiving services are appropriately informed of and trained on the ISP.
H. A comprehensive plan of care prepared in accordance with policies, procedures, and timelines established by Medicaid or by an LDH program office for reimbursement purposes may be substituted or used for the individual service plan.
I. Each client's ISP shall be reviewed, revised, updated and amended no less than annually, and more often as necessary, or as designated by the department, to reflect changes in the client's needs, services and personal outcomes.
J. Coordination of Services
1. Client care goals and interventions shall be coordinated in conjunction with other provider's rendering care and services and/or caregivers to ensure continuity of care.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-5041

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 38:77 (January 2012), Amended by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 432511 (12/1/2017).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and R.S. 40:2120.1.