La. Admin. Code tit. 48 § I-5029

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section I-5029 - Policy and Procedures
A. The HCBS provider shall develop, implement and comply with provider-specific written policies and procedures related to compliance with this Chapter, including, but not limited to policies and procedures that:
1. conform to the department's rules and regulations;
2. meet the needs of the clients as identified and addressed in the ISP;
3. provide for the protection of client's rights; and
4. promote the highest practicable social, physical and mental well-being of client's.
B. The HCBS provider shall have written policies and procedures approved by the owner or governing body, which shall be implemented and followed, that address at a minimum the following:
1. confidentiality and confidentiality agreements;
2. security of files;
3. publicity and marketing, including the prohibition of illegal or coercive inducement, solicitation and kickbacks;
4. personnel;
5. client rights;
6. grievance procedures;
7. client funds;
8. emergency preparedness;
9. abuse, neglect, exploitation and extortion;
10. incidents and accidents, including medical emergencies;
11. universal precautions;
12. documentation;
13. admission and discharge procedures; and
14. safety of the client while being transported by an agency employee, either contracted or directly employed, to include a process for evaluation of the employee's driver's license status inquiry report which may prohibit an employee from transporting client's.
C. The HCBS provider shall develop, implement and comply with written personnel policies that include the following:
1. a plan for recruitment, screening, orientation, ongoing training, development, supervision and performance evaluation of staff members, that includes but is not limited to:
a. standards of conduct;
b. standards of attire to include having identification as an employee of the provider accessible when providing services to client's; and
c. standards of safety to include requirements for ensuring safe transportation of client's by employees, contracted or staff, who provide transportation;
2. written job descriptions for each staff position, including volunteers;
3. policies that shall, at a minimum, be consistent with Office of Public Health guidelines for services provided;
4. an employee grievance procedure;
5. abuse reporting procedures that require all employees, either contracted or directly employed, to report any and all incidents of abuse or mistreatment or misappropriation of client funds, whether that abuse or mistreatment or misappropriation is done by another staff member, a family member, a client or any other person;
6. a written policy to prevent discrimination;
7. a written policy to assure that there is a final disposition of all charges that appear on the staff persons or contracted employee's criminal background check; and
8. a written policy to address prohibited use of social media. The policy shall ensure that all staff, either contracted or directly employed, receive training relative to the restricted use of social media an include, at a minimum ensuring confidentiality of client information and preservation of client dignity and respect, and protection of client privacy and personal and property rights.
D. The HCBS provider shall have written policies and procedures for client behavior management which:
1. prohibit:
a. corporeal punishment;
b. restraints of any kind;
c. psychological and verbal abuse;
d. seclusion;
e. forced exercise;
f. any cruelty to, or punishment of, a client; and
g. any act by a provider which denies:
i. food;
ii. drink;
iii. visits with family, friends or significant others; or
iv. use of restroom facilities;

NOTE: §5029. D.1.g i-iv is not inclusive of medically prescribed procedures.

2. ensure that non-intrusive positive approaches to address the meaning/origins of behaviors are used prior to the development of a restrictive plan; and
3. cover any behavioral emergency and provide documentation of the event in an incident report format.
E. An HCBS provider shall comply with all federal state and local laws, rules and regulations in the development and implementation of its policies and procedures.
1. - 13. Repealed.
F. An HCBS provider shall ensure that all home and community-based waiver services are delivered in settings that are physically accessible to the client when the setting is controlled by the HCBS provider.
1. Repealed.
G. Repealed.
H. Repealed.
I. Repealed.

La. Admin. Code tit. 48, § I-5029

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 38:73 (January 2012), Amended by the Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, LR 432507 (12/1/2017).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 36:254 and R.S. 40:2120.1.