La. Admin. Code tit. 46 § XXXV-301
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XXXV-301 - CompositionA. The State Board of Electrolysis Examiners is created within the Department of Health and Hospitals. It shall be composed of five members, all to be appointed by the governor to serve at his pleasure. Four members shall be licensed electrologists who have been engaged in the practice of electrology for at least the five years prior to their appointment. Of these four, two members shall be appointed from a list of four names submitted to the governor by the Louisiana Electrologist Association and two members shall be appointed from a list of four names submitted to the governor by Regional Electrologists Association of Louisiana. One member shall be appointed from a list of three physicians licensed to practice in this state and recommended by the Louisiana State Medical Society. If the governor determines that the nominees of the Louisiana Electrologist Association, the Regional Electrologists Association of Louisiana, or of the Louisiana State Medical Society are not suitable, he may decline to appoint from the list submitted and shall call upon the associations or the society to nominate an additional list of persons. He may repeat such call until a list containing a qualified person or persons meeting his approval is submitted. If the Louisiana State Medical Society does not submit a list of physicians to the governor within 30 days of any such request, the governor may appoint an additional nominee of either the Louisiana Electrologist Association or the Regional Electrologists Association of Louisiana in lieu of the licensed physician. Members serving on the board shall remain in office until their successors are appointed and take office. Members of the board shall be residents of this state.La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § XXXV-301
Promulgated by the Department of Health and Human Resources, Board of Electrolysis Examiners, LR 10:330 (April 1984), amended LR 11:535 (May 1985), amended by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Board of Electrolysis Examiners, LR 19:1144 (September 1993), LR 30:793 (April 2004).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:3051.