Chapter 7 - Dental Hygienists
- Section XXXIII-701 - Authorized Duties
- Section XXXIII-702 - General Supervision in Nursing Homes
- Section XXXIII-703 - Address of Employment and Mailing Address
- Section XXXIII-705 - Prohibition against Illegal Conduct by Dental Hygienists
- Section XXXIII-706 - Requirements of Applicants for Licensure by Credentials (Hygienists)
- Section XXXIII-707 - Criteria to be Utilized to Determine Professional Competence, Conduct and Ethics of an Applicant Seeking Licensure by Credentials
- Section XXXIII-708 - Advertising by Dental Hygienists
- Section XXXIII-710 - Administration of Local Anesthesia for Dental Purposes
- Section XXXIII-712 - Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Analgesia
- Section XXXIII-714 - Minimal Educational Requirements for the Granting of Permits to Administer Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Analgesia (Repealed)