Application Fee for LCSW | $100 |
Application Fee for LMSW | 75 |
Application Fee for RSW | 50 |
Application fee for Retake of LCSW | 50 |
Application fee for Retake of LMSW | 50 |
Renewal Fee for LCSW | 75 |
Renewal Fee for LMSW and CSW | 50 |
Renewal Fee for RSW | 25 |
Lapsed Renewal Fee for LCSW (postmarked after November 30) | 150 |
Lapsed Renewal Fee for LMSW and CSW (postmarked after November 30) | 100 |
Lapsed Renewal Fee for RSW (postmarked after November 30) | 50 |
Fee for Returned Checks | 25 |
Reissuance of Lost or Destroyed Certificate | 25 |
Reissuance of Lost or Duplicate Identification Card | 5 |
Fee for mailing lists per label plus postage and handling | $0.05 |
Copy Fee for Documents: | $0.25 per page plus postage and handling |
Fax Transmissions: | $5 first page $1 each additional page |
Written Verification of License, Certificate or Registration: | $5 |
La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § XXV-313