Application Fees | |
Original certification application | $250 |
Reciprocal certification application | $120 |
Retired status application | $50 |
Reinstatement of certificate application | $500 |
Firm permit application | $250 |
Annual Fees | |
Renewal of certificate | $120 |
Registration CPA inactive status | $60 |
Registration CPA retired status | $50 |
Renewal of firm permit | $100 |
Plus per owner over 10 not to exceed | $25 $2,500 |
Notice of substantial equivalency | $100 |
Other Fees (in amounts not to exceed) | |
Temporary (provisional) licenses | $100 |
Replacement of a CPA certificate | $50* |
Transfer of grades transfer fee | $50 |
Written verifications | $50 |
Pre-Exam Evaluation | $100 |
Delinquent and other fees are cited in the Act. |
La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § XIX-319