La. Admin. Code tit. 46 § LXXXV-812

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section LXXXV-812 - Continuing Education
A. Basic Requirements
1. A minimum of 10 actual hours is required each fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) as a prerequisite for annual renewal of certification; however, a maximum of 5 hours shall be earned for each fiscal period (July 1 to June 30) through online participation as defined in LAC 46:LXXXV.800. An RVT who fails to obtain a minimum of 10 continuing education hours within the applicable fiscal period will not meet the requirements for renewal of his certificate.
a. Proof of attendance for all completed continuing education activity shall be submitted annually for each renewal period and shall include the following:
i. the RVT's full name;
ii. the name of the course/program;
iii. the name of the sponsor and/or presenter;
iv. the date(s) of attendance;
v. the total number of hours completed;
vi. the delivery method; and
vii. the specific subject matter completed.
b. All completed proof of attendance must be submitted to the board by September 30.
3. All hours shall be obtained in the 12 months preceding the renewal period of the certificate. Hours taken prior to the 12-month continuing education period shall not be accepted. Hours taken after the beginning of the renewal period shall be considered late. Hours submitted late, if accepted by the board, cannot be applied to other renewal periods.
4. Each RVT must fulfill his annual educational requirements at his own expense or through a sponsoring agency other than the board. Any registration fee(s) for his annual continuing veterinary education requirements are not included in the annual renewal fee.
5. Employment at an accredited school or college will not be accepted in lieu of completion of the required continuing education hours.
6. Presenters of an approved continuing education program may not submit hours for their presentation of, or preparation for, the program as continuing education hours.
B. Approved Continuing Education Programs. It shall be the duty of the board to approve all continuing veterinary education programs for which credit shall be given to Louisiana registered veterinary technicians as follows.
1. Hours may be taken from any programs accepted by another state's regulatory board of veterinary medicine, a governmental entity, and/or AAVSB, as well as those programs sponsored by AVMA accredited schools of veterinary medicine and/or any professional associations recognized by the board shall be accepted as units or hours of annual continuing education. All other continuing education programs must be approved by the board prior to attendance with the subject matter content properly addressing the duties of a registered veterinary technician. Those continuing education programs not timely submitted in accordance with Subsection F below will not be allowed for annual continuing education credit.
2. The list of programs for which pre-approval has been granted will be updated as needed and published by the board on its website, as well as those programs which are accepted by another state's regulatory board of veterinary medicine, a governmental entity, and/or AAVSB, and those programs sponsored by AVMA accredited schools of veterinary medicine and/or any professional associations recognized by the board.
3. Additions to the list of pre-approved programs may be requested by writing to the board office and submitting all required documentation. All programs not on the pre-approved list must be submitted for pre-approval at least 14 days prior to the date of the program for the units or hours to be credited. Pre-approval may be obtained by writing or calling the board office during regular business hours.
4. In order to qualify for board approval, all continuing education programs must be open by invitation/advertisement to interested registered veterinary technicians in general.
C. Non-Compliance with Continuing Education Requirements
1. Non-compliance with these rules shall be considered to be a violation of R.S. 37:1526(14).
2. Failure to submit proof of attendance for continuing education hours by the September 30 deadline pursuant to Subsection A.2 or falsifying certification shall be considered a violation of R.S. 37:1526(14) and/or (15).
3. Failure to obtain the required number of hours in the specified time period shall be considered a violation of the rules of professional conduct. An extension of no more than 90 days after the September 30 certificate expiration date may be granted by petitioning the board in accordance with Paragraph 4 below.
4. The board may grant an extension of no more than 90 days for extenuating circumstances. The RVT requesting the extension must petition the board at least 30 days prior to the September 30 certificate expiration date. The board may require whatever documentation it deems necessary to verify the circumstances necessitating the extension.
5. An RVT who fails to obtain the required minimum of ten approved hours within the prescribed 12-month period will not meet the requirements for renewal of his certificate. Such a certificate shall expire on September 30 for any RVT who does not timely and properly comply with the annual continuing education requirements. Thereafter, an RVT may apply for renewal of his expired certificate; however, he shall be unable to lawfully perform the allowed duties of an RVT and may be subject to disciplinary action by the board, until such time as the requirements for renewal have been met and documented to the satisfaction of the board.

La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § LXXXV-812

Promulgated by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Board of Veterinary Medicine, LR 501137 (8/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:1549.