La. Admin. Code tit. 46 § LXXXV-1201

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 8, August 20, 2024
Section LXXXV-1201 - Applications for Certificate of Approval
A. Pursuant to R.S. 37:1553, applicants shall submit the following items to the board:
1. a completed application form approved by the board, which shall be sworn to and subscribed before a Louisiana notary public;
2. a current passport-type photograph of the applicant;
3. an official copy of a birth certificate or a notarized copy of a current driver's license as proof of attaining the age of 18 years in order to commence the application process, attend the required training course, sit for the certification examination and receive certification as a CAET or Lead CAET;
4. an official transcript of the applicant's high school records or photocopy of the applicant's high school diploma or GED or an official transcript indicating attendance at an institution of higher learning;
5. certified scores on any previous examinations in animal euthanasia and/or proof of successful completion of a board-approved course in animal euthanasia within a three-year period;
6. certification by the applicant that he has never been convicted, pled guilty or pled nolo contendere to either a felony or misdemeanor, other than a minor traffic violation. In the event that the applicant is unable to so certify, the board shall require the applicant to explain in full and/or provide further documentation;
7. certification that the applicant has never had certification as a certified animal euthanasia technician revoked, suspended, or denied. In the event that the applicant is unable to so certify, the board shall require the applicant to explain in full and/or provide further documentation;
8. a list of all professional certificates or licenses that the applicant currently holds and/or has held;
9. Repealed.
10. a release waiver form to authorize a background check regarding the applicant's history with dangerous and/or controlled substances to be performed by the Drug Enforcement Administration or other law enforcement agency at the board's request. A photostatic copy of the applicant's authorization is accepted with the same authorization as the original. The background check must be successfully passed, which means that the Drug Enforcement Administration or other law enforcement agency has indicated to the board that the applicant has no previous criminal convictions involving dangerous and/or controlled substances;
11. certification by the applicant that he has not violated or been subject to any of the grounds for denial of a certificate of approval as listed in R.S. 37:1554;
12. unless otherwise already in possession of the board, evidence that the applicant has successfully completed a board-approved program in animal euthanasia, which shall include instruction in the proper methods of humanely euthanizing animals by injecting legal drugs in accordance with rules adopted by the board, in proper security precautions, in proper record keeping, and related skills identified by the board.
B. The board may reject any applications which do not contain full and complete answers and/or information as requested and may reject any application if any information furnished in the application is fabricated, false, misleading, or incorrect.
C. The board shall reject the application of an applicant who has practiced veterinary medicine, veterinary technology, or euthanasia technology with sodium pentobarbital in this state without a certificate of approval during the two year period immediately prior to application.
D. An application shall become stale if not completed by issuance of a certificate within two years from the initial date of submission to the board. Once stale, the entire application process, including the payment of applicable fees, shall begin anew.

La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § LXXXV-1201

Promulgated by the Department of Health and Hospitals, Board of Veterinary Medicine, LR 19:1424 (November 1993), amended LR 26:317 (February 2000), LR 29:1479 (August 2003), LR 38:357 (February 2012), LR 40:310 (February 2014), Amended LR 492074 (12/1/2023), effective July 1, 2024.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:1558.