La. Admin. Code tit. 46 § III-1120
Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section III-1120 - Auction Business Licensing.A. Every applicant seeking to operate an auction house shall file with the board a completed application (on a form provided by the board) for a license for each auction business to be operated by that person. Although an auction business may operate in more than one location, at all times, it may only operate under the name licensed with the Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board. Auction businesses which sell property, either immovable or movable, located within the State of Louisiana are required to have a business license.B. Auction houses which conduct business solely through internet-based platforms are not required to employ a licensed auctioneer to call the auction. Any live or simulcast auctions are required to employ a licensed auctioneer to call the live or real-time auction.C. Auction houses which conduct any auction through an internet-based platform are responsible for the actions of the platform.D. Licensing Fee. Each application for licensing shall be accompanied by a license fee in the amount of $300. Renewal of each auction business license shall be on an annual basis, no later than February 1 of each calendar year. An auction business license renewal fee shall be $300.E. Application Information. Each applicant shall submit the following information on the designated application form:1. the name of each owner of the entity and the length of time each such person has been an owner;2. each business address of the entity;3. each auctioneer licensed by the date of application who has been employed by the business for more than one auction in the previous calendar year;4. the nature of the business and the product to be sold;5. two references who shall be auctioneers currently licensed in this state in good standing with the board;6. a good and sufficient surety bond executed by the applicant as principal and by a surety company qualified to do business in the state of Louisiana as surety in the amount of $10,000.F. If, in the opinion of the board, the applicant provided inadequate information to allow the board to ascertain whether the applicant satisfies the qualifications for licensing, the applicant shall be required to provide additional information for purposes of the application or may be required to present himself for an interview for this purpose.G. The qualifications of an applicant applying for an auction business license shall be the same as those articulated at R.S. 37:3113(a)1 through 37:3113(b)4, pertaining to the licensing of auctioneers.H. An auction business licensee with a physical location within this State shall be able to operate the licensed auction business in any parish of the state of Louisiana. Should the licensee desire to operate the business at more than one location or change the location, the licensee shall give the Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board written notice of the change at least five days prior to the change of address or establishment of new location, as well as provide a physical and mailing address of the new or additional location of the business. Failure by licensee to give notice to the Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board after such change of location (or establishment of an additional location) shall be grounds for revocation of the auction business license by the board.I. A licensee's auction business license shall automatically be suspended if no licensed auctioneer is engaged in conducting the auctions for the licensee if the auction house conducts live or simulcast auctions. Such license may be reinstated by the board for the unexpired term upon proof that a duly licensed auctioneer has been affiliated with the auction business. This subsection will not apply to auction houses which conduct business solely through internet-based platforms which are not required to employ a licensed auctioneer to call the auction.J. The provision of R.S. 37:3115 relative to renewal of license, certificate and penalties for failure to renew the license of auctioneers, shall also apply to an auction business license.K. No auction business license shall be issued or renewed unless the applicant presents a bond in the amount of $10,000 in a form approved by the board.L. A resident Louisiana licensed auctioneer may operate an auction business without a fee, and without posting of an additional surety bond if a surety bond guaranteeing his performance as an auctioneer has previously been posted.M. An auction business must display in its office or offices, its current license to do business as an auction business at all times. An auction business must display its Louisiana license number on its website and in all advertising in a prominent location with the license number preceded by "LA" to indicate the issuing state.La. Admin. Code tit. 46, § III-1120
Promulgated by the Office of the Governor, Auctioneers Licensing Board, LR 48492 (3/1/2022).AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 37:3103.